Alcohol has lost it's appeal

So, I know 30BAD doesn't condone alcohol consumption, but I wanted to bring this up. Many of us have drank alcohol at some point in our lives at least so I think it makes sense and it's based off a recent observation I've had.Has anyone here noticed that, since going raw vegan, that alcohol has looked less appealing to them? For me, I used to drink every weekend, then I just drank a few times a month. However, lately since I've been back on LFRV, alcohol hasn't even appealed to me much anymore. Beer seems especially gross to me and liquor seems a little inviting but also very dehydrating and I know it wouldn't make me feel me best. Wine still looks a little appealing (maybe cause of all those grapes) but not as much as it used to. I was just wondering what anyone else's thoughts were on this and if any of you have experienced this same lack of interest in drinking since going raw vegan.Hey, I think it's a good thing! Less toxins in the body, and really, if you're with good friends/family and doing things you enjoy then you really don't need alcohol to have a good time. I still feel like this may seem a bit odd socially, but luckily most of my friends aren't huge drinkers anyway and those who are don't care if I drink or not. Anyway, just an observation....

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  • Beer and wine simply don't pair well with lfrv meals. Wine seems to only go well with cheese and salty olives. Beer's great with hot  Mexican food or pizza. Cut out these foods and the alcohol is just not fun anymore.

  • Wow, thanks for everyone's responses! It was great to get all that insight. I had my Friday night drink this evening-the delicious Cherry Berry smoothie from Megan Elizabeth's Easy to be Raw book. :)

  • I am a Oneness Blessing Giver, and we do this thing called deeksha every week that causes a neuro biological shift in the brain. Anyway, after having Deeksha about 30 times, I notice I am no longer interested in alcohol. I've never been big on drinking, it's disposable calories to me. I don't like the feeling it gives. But I used to kind of enjoy a g;ass of wine now and then.

    So now I started LFRV, and can hardly tolerate smelling it. Bars bore me, events around alcohol I just want to run from. Wine tastes rotten.

  • Gahh. Yeah.. I mean, I never drank a lot (I've honestly been drunk maybe 8 times lol....I'm 16 and didn't go out to parties that much), but I was normally willing to drink if it was offered to more! For whatever reason I'm just totally turned off my alcohol, now.
  • I used to drink allll the time. when I went hcrv it totally lost appeal to me as well. its been 1 yr now I haven't drank n I feel great. every time I see sum1 hung over I instantly remember the feeling n say f#ck that noise.

  • When I quit drinking alcohol, I noticed how much it was advertised on television and how often people around me drank. Television is riddled with unhealthy lifestyle habits, and of course they're centered around partying (drinking and eating slop from fast food restaurants.)

    After a night of drinking, alcohol made my face itchy and greasy while dehydrating my skin; my lips/tongue felt like they were on fire; my hair would get greasy.

    What's more, it seems like EVERYBODY around me is drinking or smoking or eating unhealthy (and the three go very well together.) Once you are eating fruits/greens, and exercising, while practicing self-worth -- you don't care or think about unhealthy habits.

    Get the poison out of your house, and out of your mind.

    • +1, I've noticed this too! It's just sooo completely socially acceptable and even definitely encouraged, as long as you're over 21. I think that's so ridiculous.
  • I immediately lost cravings for it when I went LFRV. I have had beer a few times since, when i have i notice that half a beer hits me really hard making me both semi loopy for about an hour as well as giving me an upset stomach. Life is so much better with less toxins!

  • When I eat lfrv, alcohol and vinegar just smell like when my fruit has gone bad and I should throw it away. :D So I don't want to put this in my mouth.

  • Giving up  loser activities are always easier when you have a clear mind.

    Booze is for emotional losers.

    Take Care,

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