Hi all,

I could use some advice from my fruity friends. My husband ate 4 canistel/egg fruits for lunch. He's now curled up on the couch with his heart pounding, dizzy, and flushed all over. He threw up about an hour ago.

I've been searching online for possible toxicity to the latex. I didn't see how ripe the fruits were, but he claims they were possibly overripe.

Should I be worried? Anyone ever experience this? What can we do?


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  • How´s Rob feeling now?

    • Thanks for the help everyone! He went to bed early and woke up feeling okay, if not great. He's avoiding all the foods mentioned by Esperanza Vite today.

      We are in Sri Lanka, so no access to white grapes apples or melons, but I sent him to work today with a wood apple - date smoothie and a papaya so hopefully when he comes home today he'll be feeling better.

      •  :) Glad that he feels better 

      • Glad to hear he's feeling better :)

  • Sounds to me like it could be an allergic reaction. Is his breathing ok?

    I would recommend him lying in the recovery position, and trying to sip some water if he feels able to.

    AND of course, if you feel it is an emergency seek medical advice.

    One thing that came to mind when you mentioned the canistel being overripe is that he might be reacting to tyramine. His symptoms definitely fit this.

    Hope he feels better really soon.

    • Thanks for the response Esperanza.

      His breathing is okay but he still feels terrible. He says his heart is pounding.

      I've never heard of tyramine. A quick google search mentions that it causes migraines and is found in aged cheeses, beers and wines, yeast or fermented meats. It doesn't say anything about fruit. Do you know of other fruits that contain tyramine? What exactly are the symptoms of tyramine overdose/reaction?

      • Tyramine is found is overripe fruit (http://hrparkinsons.com/newpdsite/tyramine-in-food/). Tyramine reaction symptoms include:

        • Headaches
        • Nausea
        • Vomiting
        • Palpitations
        • High blood pressure

        (see http://www.migravent.com/blog/tag/tyramine-reaction/)

        Hope that helps.

        • Thanks Sheepmobile. That sounds like all his symptoms. Good to know the dangers of overripe fruit!

          • He's still really sick, heart racing like a baby. Is there anything we can do to counteract the tyramine?

            • If you are concerned for his safety then definitely get checked out by a doctor.

              But if not (i.e.feeling really bad but not dangerously so) then I'd say the best thing for him to do is to rest and try to sleep it off. Also, what foods do you have access to right now?

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