Help Detoxing on Fruits and Vegetables


I'm been eating just fruits and vegetables for 10 weeks now.  I have about 10 bananas, 10 dates, 30 grapes and either 2 apples, 2 oranges or 2 pears until dinner time.  Then I have a juice with lettuce, celery and carrots followed by steamed veggies and a sweet potato.  I sometimes have raw carob power in a banana smoothie.  I used to eat fish, chicken, eggs, rice, oatmeal and olive oil.  I've been getting colds and still have allergies.  Do you know if I'm still detoxing and for how much longer will I expect to be?  Do you see anything in my diet I should change?  Any other suggestions or thoughts I would appreciate.  I'm kinda lost.  I do sometimes have a salad with dinner or lettuce, tomatoes and red pepper.  Thanks for everyones time.  

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  • @Ryan,

    We focus on whole, raw fruits, about 1/2-2 pounds of lettuce greens a day, and a handful of nuts for those able to eat them.  

    30BaD FADs: Benefits of Lettuce Greens - 30 Bananas a Day!

    Skip everything else.  

    Lettuce greens should not be confused with the cruciferous veggies like kale and spinach as these are high oxalate foods and cause problems.  Other high oxalate foods include animal and dairy products, grains, tubers and potatoes, legumes and beans, some nuts and seeds, most cooked and processed foods, tea, coffee, and chocolate.  Carrots are a root veggie that are also high oxalate foods.  

    30BaD FADs: Oxalate Health Impact - 30 Bananas a Day!

    Starchy foods like grains and potatoes also cause other health problems

    30BaD FADs: Starchy Foods vs Fruit n Lettuce - 30 Bananas a Day!

    Skip the Juicing...

    Juicing Not Recommended

    Some of our members have had troubles with juicing such as indigestion, sour and or acidic stomach, acid reflux,  blood sugar spikes, dizziness, brain fog, diarrhea, blood in feces, constipation, and inability to absorb and assimilate calories, vitamins and minerals in spite of high calorie count. The high sugar and acid content of some juices may give some people teeth pain and oral issues such as sores and bleeding gums. 

    Juicing removes the fiber from the fruits n veggies. 


    Importance of Fiber on Any Diet

    The soluble fiber in fruit and some vegetables may gel up inside the intestine.  This fiber slows down digestion and regulates assimilation of nutrients as well as water absorption.  

    Diets high in animal products may have little or no fiber, and diets high in grain products that have insoluble fiber actually may scrape and irritate the intestines like shards of glass and do not digest well. 

    Fruits are high in soluble fiber which also causes easy elimination of feces just like toothpaste being squeezed from a tube.  This soluble fiber attracts water and turns to gel in the intestines.  (Ref: Soluble vs Insoluble Fiber,  Soluble and Insoluble Fiber)

    Without this fiber, nutrients, calories, and carbohydrates can pass right through the system without being digested and assimilated and possibly lead to unwanted weight loss and or malnutrition.

    It is better to train the digestive system right from the beginning to properly chew, digest, and assimilate fruits and leafy greens.  If you are having a difficult time with calories, then smoothies might be a compromise.  With smoothies, the whole fruits and greens are blended and some of the fiber is still intact.

    For more tips and tricks...

    30BaD Banana Wagon Tour - 30 Bananas a Day!

    Good luck and Peace, PK

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