I've been always ordered the 15lbder before, but it seems to be a lot cheaper if you buy in bulk... But the question is, who am I going to share this with? Honestly, I don't have the fridge space. So anyone in Southern California want to share? Last thing is, how exactly do they package it? Is it just 7 15lb-boxes?

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  • Haha, sorry, I have a policy of placing my fruit stash before all else. All. Else.

  • I don't have the space. >_< But I might as well try since it'll be cold soon. I've got to save up money for that.

  • Near Pasadena.

  • Lelie,

    If you need less then 105 lbs visit us at www.meccadatefarm.com

    Keep in mind you can freeze dates for a long time.  Zip lock bags work great...

    Just FYI


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