Hey guys!

I am very much a science-based guy. I am looking for some updated evidence for the minimum protein intake per kilogram.

I like to eat legumes,alot, and with eating about 3500 cals per day, I get over 150 grams of plant protein into my diet. Will this cause a significant risk joint stress, pro-oxidation and osteoporosis. Is there some studies demonstrating the effects of excessive plant protein vs. animal protein and the underlying mechanisms?


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  • Did you read The China Study?

    This book did allude to the fact that even a diet high in plant based protein starts to increase risk of cancer and disease, although not as high as animal based proteins.  

    We would still recommend about 10% of calories come from protein.  A more active or athletic person might need more of both, the calories and the protein.  

    Peace, PK

  • Dobre znam Bratislavu. Zil jsem ctyri roky v Bratislave kde jsem pracoval pro VUB (od 2002 do konec roku 2005) jako financni analytik. Ted bydlim v Sydney, Australii.

    Jsem vegetarian od roku 1996 - a vegan od roku 1999. Jsem take 'science-based' takze jsem presvedcen o tom, ze 'whole food plant diet' podporuje dobre zdravi.

    Muj konicek je zahradniceni - a pisu o tzv 'food tips';




  • Ahoj Patriku,

     You say 'I am very much a science-based guy' - ja take.

    I think that Jeff Novick writes quite well about nutrition overall.

    Here are his thoughts on protein;


    Ginny Messina a vegan dietitian is a big fan of legumes;


    PS Ve kterem mesto bydlite?

    • Ja som zo slovenska, Bratislava. Teraz studujem v hollansku v meste Delft letecko a vesmirne inzinierstvo. Co ty? Ako si sa stal veganom? Ja som si kukal video o lancovi amstrongovi a tak som nasiel Durianridera. Ten vsetko zmenil.

  • It depends on your definition of "minimum" and "maximum."
    To live you only need a little more than a dozen grams of protein a day, however to actually sustain properly 24-35 would be much better, in the sense of long-term health and not surviving. 50 is only recommended by many countries/societies "just in case," likely to ensure you get enough of the alleged "essential" amino acids.

    In regards to maximum, I haven't seen enough to clearly say what that would be, although I'd personally suggest slightly lower at least (120g at most in my opinion). However, regardless of how bad it is or harmless it is, it still wouldn't be ideal as it simply is not something the body can use extra of. The body can throw away carbs at the brain or other tissues, effectively wasting them (as they will provide little benefit to the tissue), however it can not "throw away protein" and build more muscle. Because of this, above (in my opinion) 80g of protein is not really optimal, at least if you aren't eating the majority from fruits and other extremely high-carb foods. Especially above 100.
    I mean, the body recycles protein, and it can use it to create energy, or fat, however it will generally just not be very effective. It just can't use it for it's "job" in excess. If you feel fine on it, I'd still try to reduce it down a bit, however I don't believe, assuming you eat enough carbs/fiber, a little extra will truly damage you, it's just not ideal. It's definitely better to eat some extra plant-protein than eating some oil, or a "good" amount of salt, or of course to fall off the vegan-wagon. I mean, 3500kcal with that much protein would be about 17-18%.

  • The best place to start is nutritionfacts.org.


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