No Soap Washing, Two Weeks, Success!!

So, inspired by Miss Freelee yet again, I decided to give it a try and wash only with water. I have commented befeore that if felt pretty strange to be washing my body but not wanting the soap to hit my hair, which I quit using shampoo on in August 2012. I use my loofah brush in the shower, I plan to start dry brushing before a shower, but for now, I just wash like I used to, sans soap. I did not have high hopes for no soap as i have really fair skin and have had issues ( tinea veriscolor) in the past. Overall, i haven't noticed a huge difference except for one thing. I have had these bumps on the sides of my face for the last year or so, i figured it had to do with my dog sleeping on my pillow when im not there and that if i washed my pillowcase every day, my bumps wuld go away. No, i needed to quit washing my face with soap!! No Bumps Anymore!! I am really excited about it, cant believe how smooth my face is, it's kind of ridiculous. I certainly didnt expect a totally smooth complexion from this experiment!! Haven't noticed any bodily smells out of the ordinary, it saves so much time, i am in and out of the shower, am a big fan of no soap! I alsoi thought there was no way I would be abe to live without that feels of "clean" freom soap but i haven't missed it. I highly recommend giving this a try!

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  • Yea I've done this in the past just from sheer laziness, I didn't notice a different though but I guess after I am raw a bit longer I will.

  • Thanks for the contribution/review! 

  • i am going on nearly 2 years with no soap , never betta ;)

  • I forgot something else i started doing- when i am done with my water bath, i run my hands through my hair which doesn't look greasy when dry but has some grease going when wet and then rub that oil on my face. Maybe that's what softened everything up!
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