Struggling on this path? - 20 LFRV tips

*20 LFRV tips!

1. Go to & work out how many calories u need to maintain your current weight & aim for this with sweet juicy fruits.  Download CronOmeter for future calculations.

 2.  If u are attracted to eating cooked food or feel like making a gourmet raw meal then u haven’t eaten enough fruit during the day

 3. Eat your fruit ripe always! Use all your senses – sight,touch & smell to choose your fruit.  Unripe fruit will negatively impact your digestion

4. Eat high water content fruits early in the day & move onto denser fruits as the day goes on.

5. If u are feeling emotional, check to make sure u have had enough SWS – Sugar, Water, Sleep.

6. For a great youth preserver, on waking drink 1 litre of water & aim for at least another 1 litre throughout the day

7. Aim to eat mono meals as much as possible especially throughout the day, this is heaven on digestion

8. Munch down Date-orade! Blend dates with water (& celery if u like) how much water depends on your taste, Date-orade is a great to top up on calories.  Sip throughout the day or sit down to a morning/lunch meal. Great for endurance events.

9. Always be prepared with enough ripe fruit on hand – Buy a box of bananas & let them ripen up so u never go hungry

10. If u are thirsty then u are already dehydrated, stay on top of hydration or u will encourage wrinkles, headaches, fluid retention & general disharmony in the body.  Clear urine throughout the day – 8-12 time.

11. Keep fat levels low! We are designed to get most of our calories from sweet juicy fruits not fats.  Too much fat in the body raw or cooked inhibits oxygen uptake, transfer & delivery

12. Stop being a ‘candida-feeder’ & learn about proper food combing.  Fruit likes to be eaten alone & preferably mono

13. Get your fruit meal in ideally within an hour of completing your workout to receive optimal training effect.

14. Squat on the toilet instead of sitting, if we sit it kinks our bowels…there’s no toilets in nature folks! We are ment to squat!

15. Get sunshine on your pink bits as much as possible & reap the benefits of balanced hormones & emotions

16. Eat before u go out to social occasions & take ripe fruit with u for when u are faced with Canapes at the party

17. Make sure u are getting 10gms of carbs per kg of body weight per day

18. In nature we would get 12hrs of sleep by going to bed on sundown & getting up at sunrise, this may not be always possible but this is optimal.18. Always have an attitude of gratitude! Write down 4 things u are grateful for daily, some people would give anything to be you

19. Spend time around people who hold themselves to a higher level than yourself, who you hang around you become, soon you will be the healthiest and fittest person you know & this should be the goal.

20.  If you want your family to change their eating habits first you must be a glowing example yourself, commit to 100% Low fat raw vegan and you will be amazed at who follows you...

    1. Lovefreelee

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