They call me "badash"

Hey guys!I felt like sharing my raw food journey.In March 2008, I got a random urge to go vegan. I just wanted to try it out... I had been vegetarian for a few years and I wanted to go all the way to help my animal friends. Not to mention, I am a competitive rock climber and I was interested in changing my diet in any way possible to help achieve peak performance.Well, while I was researching veganism, i learned about raw through a friend who replied to my bulletin on myspace. This was followed by DAYS AND DAYS of research. I didn't do anything except sit at the computer and read about raw food!!! I was ADDICTED to the information!I was a cooked transitional vegan for a couple months before I went raw.I joined GiveItToMeRaw and the first book recommended to me was 80/10/10 so I ordered it right away, not even knowing what it was all about.... I have to admit that it changed my life!I used to be SUCH a terrible eater! Icecream was my favorite food and something that I had everyday... gross... I'd have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Lots of it. And chocolate. And rice. Those were my three main foods. bleh...Now I am 80/10/10 and THRIVING! My climbing has improved and keeps getting better! I am lighter, happier, healthier, and I have never felt so ALIVE in my life! I am quite the optimist and FULL OF ENERGY!!!


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  • Nice story!
    Keep up the good work, never stop climbing! lol
    your pic is great! btw... I like your style :)
  • I love this picture of you! I'm not sure if I told you that already, but it really is a good one. THRIVING is an excellent way to describe life with 811!!!
    • You are so sweet, Sarah! You're awesome.
  • Thank you Freelea!!!

    =) =) =)
  • You are such a shining star Ashley! Thankyou for sharing, i really feel your vibrancy jumping off the page and through your words :-)

    "This was followed by DAYS AND DAYS of research. I didn't do anything except sit at the computer and read about raw food!!! I was ADDICTED to the information!"

    Oh yeh I can relate to this!!!
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