Howdy, There seems to be a large number of peeps 'signing up' for the raw challenge starting April 1st, I was hoping i could assist in someway ( & anyone else who is keen) by being available for Q & A session in the CHAT ROOM on Tuesday Mornings every week from 11.30am- for about an hour (Australian SA time) for the month of April at least... US times... Monday Nights.... 9pm EST 6pm Pacific 8pm Central Express your interest here! Lovefreelea

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    • cool im thinking about that....although i would like the other chat to be still used...Ning is still improving it but i agree it is slow!
  • Anyone up for a private health chat? I can allocate 10mins each person....:-)
    • gahh chat froze! i defected to the other chat.
      • yeh i was wondering what happened! i don't have the other one....
        • you can go to my profile page or rawgreengoddess's and just login there. not sure if you're still around but for the future it's good to know how to use. you can also add that to your own profile page by going to applications on the left side of your page.
  • I'm very new to 811 so you know!
    I have questions on Candida and all...sorry to belabor the issue..

    Before coming to 811 last week, I was doing no fruit (except apples) to 'combat' my candida prob. My flaky scalp cleared up and stopped having acne breakouts...problem was I had no idea how to fuel my running. (got really used to taking Hammer gels...I know). Then I heard about 811 and found you guys!

    After a few days on fruits/veggies and some nuts (which I didn't eat for a couple years till last couple months) my flaky yukky scalp returned and I got a nice plump zit on my forehead! Lovely!

    So wondering why? how? Maybe a handful too many nuts? I was eating a lot of ground flax seed before and my symptoms -at least the obvious ones- cleared up nonetheless...

    I'm all for this lifestyle and plan on going 30 days to the T...just want to have an idea of others experiences with 'symptoms' coming and going.

  • i guess we can chat here then.
  • Id like to keep the main chat alive if possible....

    Has anyone got questions? we can post here for now....
  • i still can't! which chat you on Frank?
    • ok we can start here....Durianrider is here too
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