......as Malaysia has the best durian & less polluted than Thailand. SO who's up for it?! How great of a warm-up would it be for the raw retreat to all meet up and hang out munching Durian in the tropics of Asia first?! Its looking like July 1st... express your interest here!... Depending on how long u stay, if you're coming from Aussieland you might need around $1500, not sure exactly for my international friends.... Lovefree

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  • Hi guys, I just wanted to thank you all for the great time I had in Pagnan with you, even though it was pretty obvious that I was itching to run off to the temple or yoga shala for some "spiritual time". I guess, after coming straight from a hectic schedule of teaching and being in such a crowded city as Tokyo, I was in need of some space. Nonetheless, it was a great time. After, Pagnan I caught up with friends and did some research on property in Ranong, Phuket and Krabi. Then I jumped on the plane to Goa as soon as I could to get into some focussed and serious yoga practice. BTW Durian Rider, check out some youtube clips on Ashtanga Yoga. I think you would realize that it's not quite the passive easy workout you thought it was. Anyhow, I have about 2 - 3 weeks holidays at the end of the year, and another 2 months in Feb and March, so I will probably be catching up with some of you somewhere in the world.
    • great to hear from you colin!

      i enjoy ashtanga but it just doesnt get my heart rate up enough. i do it more to chill out and improve my core strength and flexibility, and im a big fan of yoga for sure. i watch some of the gymnast crew do some advanced moves and i agree that takes years of flexibility training but with all of the astanga crew around here riding motorbikes to get themselves up the hill to the local ashtanga hall..i can see how they need to improve their aerobic capacity for more all round fitness.

      one yogi was sitting on his motorbike and asking me where i get my protein from, and i said 'do you think you could ride a bicycle up the next hill?' and his reply was 'it looks pretty steep, i dont think i could, but i see you doing it often so i guess your getting enough on your monkey diet'...

      one of the guys that was doing the yoga course with us committed suicide yesterday. there is a strong drug culture amongst the yoga crew on this island unfortunately and this young man become another victim sadly.

      life and lessons from koh phan gan..
      • Yes, Harley, you're right about the intensity of ashtanga. For the beginers, it can get the heart rate up a bit, but once you start to get more used to it the cardiovascular intensity drops. That's a pitty to hear about the suicide. And, yes, you're right again about the drug culture. Actually, I see a similar thing with many people who often meditate in budhist temples too. Most of the "yogis" are just like the rest anyhow, and for many the only healthy part of there lifestyle is the practice of asanas for an hour or so a day. But practicing asana alone doesn't change the big picture if you are making an "ass-ana" out of your self in other parts of your life.
        Anyhow, looking forward to our next meetings
        • brother, join the fight against big brother, why kill yourself selfishly, when you could be a hero and fight the fascist state? what a waste. afghanistan, palestine, iraq
  • colin...if you come to Kophangan..we have a house you can sleep at...go to Ananda resort and we are 5minute walk further on the beach side...ask around for the bicycle people, ehehe
    • How long will you be there?
  • check out Sunnie, Harley, Freelea, Darrick, Rich, and our exceptional 'durian dealer' aka Gene....devouring the 'kind' Ang Hairs, XOs, D15, and D18 and Malay style Monthong at the Penang hill botanical Gardens...


  • Hi Gerald,

    I going to Thailand and Malaysia on July 26, then I will probably go to Goa in India at the end of August till the end of September to hang out with some yoga friends. Will you still be in India then?
  • So, who is still in S.E Asia? I'm leaving Tokyo around July 26 for Thailand, or possibly Malaysia if some people are still there. Any, it would be great to catch up with someone. I will be in the area for August and September.
    • Hi Colin,

      There are three of us in Malaysia at the moment. Rich, Choi, and myself. Chris and Stephanie were here and will be returning shortly. Harley, Freelea, Darrick, Nick, and Holly are in Thailand. Look forward to meeting you. :)


      I'm in Balik Pulau in the cafe upstairs. I was talking to a durian dealer this morning about accomodation in the area and he put me in touch with his friend who has a 3 bdrm chalet on a fruit farm 3km from the town center and 2km to the beach. Growing on the property- durian, mangosteen, rambutan, cempedak, langsat, and coconuts. The pictures look gorgeous! I told them I would be back later with my friends to see it. Let me know when you are in the area!
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