Worms in Dates ?!?

hi all!

i discovered a strange phenomenon in my latest 100kg dates delivery. there's always a couple of dates in each box (maybe a third), with lots of white little sludgy balls on it. i took pictures to show you. what is it? are these worm eggs or moth larvaes or sth like that?? please advise! any help is highly appreciated! thanks!



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  • wow so many comments! @ Whitedi ellen: i'll skip the "make sure" part as i use ridiculous amounts of dates daily. i'd be checking them fuckers non stop. for me it's just the relief of the century reading that the white stuff is just sugar. i will trust and swallow from now on :)

  • yeah --- i'm terrible. I can't buy bulk dates bc the idea of finding dates with living things in them freak me out. LOL. I hope one day I can get over it, I probably swallow bugs at night and don't know it.

  • Though not added sugar I hope. That would be just as bad as having worms/larvaes in there.

  • awesome!! thank you both very much! now i can joyfully continue gulping down my 30-dates smoothies like before! :) 

  • That's not worms. Just sugar :)

    Worms leave black poop and small white eggs near the pit. You'll also sometimes find the worm itself near the pit. Just break em in half and check out the inside around the pit. :)

  • lol that's not worms man it's just crystallized sugar!

    larvaes are dark color tiny eggs inside near the pit usually you notice the off taste right away and spit it out.; the ones in your pic should taste sugary sweet!

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