Why AREN'T all Christians vegan?

I was discussing with my mum today why Christians have all the love and kindness morals yet they casually go to the supermarket and buy their daily doses of meat? I find this very mind boggling, as surely they don't believe slaughter houses are an act of love and kindness...I was also talking with my friend at school who is a Christian and a meat lover and was sharing my new knowledge of veganism. She was like "I couldn't imagine not eating meat... I need my meat... Where do you get your protein?..." I was like "...but as your a Christian surely it's wrong to kill..." And she was like "animals are there for us to eat..."I know that humans can 'survive' eating meat, and if you're starving and meat is the only thing then it would keep you alive. But, when there is fresh fruit on a tree or bush sitting their so juicy and delicious there seems no moral point killing those poor innocent animals.This was so frustrating so thought I would ask you all your thoughts. Thanks.

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  • I am Christian and have studied the Bible from front to back and love God.

    The Bible is not the answer for every question in the world. There are lots of questions you can ask that the Bible doesn't answer. For example the Bible does not even mention dating. As important as dating is, it is not discussed AT ALL in the Bible. 

    Likewise the Bible does not advise people on whether to eat animals.

    The story of the Bible is about the history of mankind from GOD'S PERSPECTIVE. In other words, it is not a historical account, detailing everything that ever happened in human history, it isn't about politics, or any other topic.

    Whether or not people eat animals does not determine whether or not a person's soul is saved, that is determined based on whether or not a person puts their faith in God.

  •  I still can remember 1 sunday morning in church a pastor from the church i used to attend was preaching about looking after your body but then went on to brag 'mmm i love my bacon for breakfast daily,, i just still will always love my bacon''... 3 years later his wife announced her husband had been going through health problems including bowel cancer... Yes this may be totally unrelated to having cancer from bacon daily etc but it definately wouldnt of helped in preventing it in my honest opinion.. Choose life not Death .. :)

  • I think it's because even Christians don't understand the level of cruelty that occurs because of their choices. They don't realize that not only are animals immensely mistreated, but also that PEOPLE are mistreated, endangered, and subjected to terrible evil in the processes it takes to put meat in our grocery stores here in America. They also probably don't realize that out gluttony and self indulgence in animal products here is contributing to massive poverty and famine in other countries.

    I may get a lot of flack for saying this but, the act of killing and eating an animal does not have to involve cruelty. Animals could be given a happy life and killed mercifully, therefore, killing and eating animals is, in itself, not a sinful act. It's condoned in the Bible. I think what animal concumption in America and around the world has turned into today, however, is incredibly wrong and is not only terrible for the animals, but is killing millions of humans every single day.
    The best explanation I can offer for why Christians further this problem is ignorance.
  • Genesis 1:29

  • My hometown church now just started an after-service BBQ. I share your frustration.

  • if God told you to eat fruits and vegetables, and you ate anything else, it would be unhealthy, it would be a mistake, it would be a sin. If Adam and Eve were told to eat fruits and vegetables and they chose to eat flesh they would have been committing a sin. It is very hard for me to understand that people think that Gods first instruction to man was not that important. People were definitely eating flesh, but the restriction was not lifted until after the flood. those people were continually doing that thing that was not condoned by God. they were sinning.

    • they were committing the first/original sin.

  • I am sorry. I do believe that Lucifer exists. Sabine was kind enough to point out that Paul Believed it also. I believe that Revelations reveals the whole and not just the future. I do believe that there was something very wrong with the old testament, so wrong that Jesus had to come and set it straight. I thank you for your time and compassionate comments.

  • Well done Stefan, you certainly have proven that you have a good clear mind with this summary

  • I hear you kiddo

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