Fruit Diet and Cloth Diapering

My little guy is cloth diapered and I am finding that he wets through his diaper a LOT with the 811 lifestyle (which is awesome cause I know he is hydrated), but just wondering how people deal with this.

I use sheets with a cover and I don't like to make them too thick because then his mobility is affected more.

Any suggestions, tips, relating?

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  • Try Elimination Communication - aka 'potty whispering'.  Use nappies as little as possible if you are living somewhere warm and watch for his wee cues, then offer him potty opportunities when he needs to go.  I've done this with all three of my children, with varying levels of success, but it has certainly meant we have very rarely had to clean pooey bottoms.  Most poos get in the potty, wee sometimes depending on other distractions.

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