NYC Vegetarian Food Festival

8191592888?profile=originalThe festival is on Sunday, April 3rd, 2011. It'd be great to have a group from 30BAD attend to represent veganism and a LFRV diet. 

I'll probably bringing a backpack with a stack of brochures from Vegan Outreach to hand around. You'll see that the costs are very low. I just donated 20 bucks and they sent me as many as they could fit in a priority mail envelope, and emailed me to say they would happily send me more when I ran out. 

It'll be just as Spring is really setting in, and should be a great opportunity to meet other veg-heads, spread the good word, and hopefully meet each other from this community. Maybe some of us could also check out Union Square Market afterwards.

I set up an event page here. Join up and you'll be reminded when the event draws near.


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