Stubborn acne and red marks :( help?

I've had acne as long as I can remember. I've tried several very harsh treatments, the worst of which was accutane. I'm trying to find a natural way to reduce my acne and clear up my skin. I've never experienced clear glowing skin and am really dedicated to having it soon. My skin type is not overly oily or dry, just very acne prone. I'm sure this lifestyle will greatly impact my skin, but I'm looking for some way to treat it as well. I also tossed all my makeup, which was a huge deal for me. No more toxic chemicals and painting my face. This is my skin, covering it would be a shame. I just gotta find a way to make it healthy. It needs some serious healing.

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  • You sent this 5 months ago. How is your skin now, afterr 5 months on fruits, etc.? One of my sons, who is concerned about what government is putting in our water, mentioned something that causes acne, sort of like burns. You might do some research on that. After you get out all of the old processed oils, your skin should be glowing.

  • I have the exact same problem as you. I've had acne since the age of 13 and am now 44 and still have it! I get the cystic type too and have been using Origins products on my skin for the past year or so. I get it on my shoulders and back too. Ive also heard that showering in warm rather than hot water helps and I now shower every 2-3 days which has improved my shoulders and back. I only use wen products on my hair which are very natural and a dry sunblock by Desert Essences that I totally recommend if you dont mind the goth /vampire white look :-D
    • If you try and drop all products for a couple weeks you should notice a major difference. If you really need to use something on your face or for your hair make it yourself

  • I found that hot showers can really deplete your skin of your natural oils as well as your hair. This will lead to your body producing more oils and leading to more acne. As soon as I stop taking hot showers (at the time I was taking two a day) the acne on my back and chest completely disappeared and the acne on my face has reduced significantly. Now I take 1 shower about every other day with room temperature or cooler water, no soap or shampoo but I do use a honey brown sugar scrub every 3-4 days. No nuts and or salt that should help as well

    Hope this helps!

  • I love Dead Sea mud for all skin types! The natural sulfer helps to neutralize acne. Your dietary changes will eventually resolve the issue :)
  • I don't know you I can just tell what worked for me and my family. We have been on raw food vegan diet for 5 years and 80 10 10 last 3 years. At the beginning I expected it to work immediately and a lot of stuff healed in few months, I lost all weight I wanted, my skin also improved and I've never got sick since but for very long time I split out mucus every morning and I had dandruff. I tried a lot of natural stuff but nothing really worked. It is only last two years when I got rid of them. It just healed without any particular care for it. I think it needed more detoxification and time. For my partner, whenever he cheats and eat some gluten or diary products, the very next day he has acne - not a lot of it but still. 

    All the best,


  • For very long time I had a problem with my skin but raw food cleared it all and the same happened with my partner who at age of 35 still had acne. I had rather dilated superficial blood vessels, prone to redness with a tendency to flush and blush often. Now all the skin problems are a very old history to me. I was a cosmetic addict and more I used it worst it was. I just wrote an article about natural skin care. Check those two links:

    I hope it helps


  • Good luck, Ashley.  Although I don't suffer from acne, I have noticed that after four months, my skin is pretty damn good.  I also have always avoided foundation.  I moisterize with jojoba oil after my shower and just wear eye makeup.

  • I don't know if it will help acne, but I hear that blending a combination of watermelon meat plus the rind help to keep your face  young and skin fresh. It could be because you have a lot of toxins in your body so maybe you should drink a lot of water (a lot a lot) to flush your system. Also, I am having a problem with pimples too. I'm not sure it can be defined as acne exactly but I would get a lot of little red bumps on my forehead (and supposedly the location of them means something) and then suddenly it seems to have gone away and now I have them right in between my girls. I have never had pimples there before but I am trying so hard to get rid of them..I feel your pain.

    • could be what they used to call "prickly heat" in the old days, and it was caused from dairy being eliminated.

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