
What are you guys most cherished milestones? 

Personally, I am most proud of my brute strength increases over the past year and half. I am archaic in my measures... ;) (still use the old high school benchmarks to measure success) 

Bench Press: 295

Leg Press: 1000

Squat: 365

This post isn't a competition, just a self pat on the back. 

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  • I don't really test my max the increased chance of injury doing squats and deadlifts at such a high weight is not worth it to me, I'm not going to risk irreverseable damage if something does go wrong. Milestones I am happiest about is being able to bench press my bodyweight 10 times, getting some ab definition and being able to deadlift morn than 300 lbs.

    • See this is perfect :-)

      Our milestones will be as different as we are. I respect yours.
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