
  • yes allways stretching will help :) drink warm lemon water with nuthing else in you and let that go to work in you for 30 mins b4 eating :) i make it strong 2 or 3 lemons in one cupa water really helps with digestion and cleansing the body up :) im vary weary on the cooked foods i do eat

  • Thank you

  • are you new to the lifestyle?  I had/have IBS but it doesnt bother me too much these days.  I usually go #2 1-3 times a day.  stretching your legs out on the can definitely helps or putting it up on the seat, or using a foot stool or putting a bucket upside down and resting your feet on that helps with better elimination. fruit and lettuce is best for digestion. salt will bloat you up. try and eat cooked foods without salt, maybe with some tomatoes or some lemon or lime juice.

    • No I'm not new, I've been on this lifestyle for over a year. 

  • unless u believe herbs or toXic etc dont useem :)

  • well yaa i guess it is hahaahah idn :) o k ok ok i noo what u mean i sorta have the same im celiac thoe same thing sorta mostly not really thoe :) anything cooked is not the best for me but yaa cant eat brown rice etc i use different anti inflamitory herbs like if i do eat somthin cooked etc not vary often turnimic real good etc like that

  • dont no what lbs is but yaaa have a lil problem with most rice :) gota big problem with sushi cuz its not vegannnnnnnnnn :) i can only eat some cooked food if it was boiled mostly in glass :)

    • Isn't sushi vegan if you don't have fish in it? 

    • IBS stands for Irritable bowel syndrome 

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