Difficult Meat eater arguments


I startet my High Carb Vegan journey half a year ago and am therefore still new. I would appreciate experienced people to help me understand more so that I dont always have to be in the end position of arguments with friends where I end up saying things like "I dont know how to explain this and that but I know we shouldnt eat meat"

I just found this guy and his arguments are: 


- the most intelligent animals are carnivores or omnivores (chimpanses, pigs, parrots, dogs, dolphins, rats, octopus, ravens)

- humans have their eyes at the front of their face not on the side of the head like other plant eaters (rabbits, deers...)

- he also said the argument "we dont have claws" is wrong bc some plant eaters have claws such as rabbits and some meat eaters dont such as fish and pigs

- just like meat eaters we have the ability of stealth, strategy, anticipation, camouflage, teamwork


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  • go watch the best speech ever and more of gary yourofsky's stuff on youtube

  •      I'm of the opinion that meat eater arguments should be obliterated, destroyed completely, annihilated, or exterminated. To allow a pro consumption of animal flesh argument to stand is to allow a pathogen to go unchallenged. No matter where the argument is made.

         Conversely some people have the idea that they are ethical vegans, as some sort of excuse not to argue with meat eaters, to live and let live. I'm a fan of live and let die when it comes to difference of opinion.

         As for intelligent animals bonboo monkeys are highly intelligent. Technically bonboo monkeys are omnivores. Though this is only during starvation. Surprisingly rabbits are highly social and intelligent.

       As for eyes in front, many almost herbivores and scavengers have their eyes in front of their head.

        If you want teamwork look at schools of fish. There is a particularly species that swims in formation to scintillate and confuse predators. "Schools containing hundreds or thousands of nearly identical fish can confuse predators and make it difficult to single out and attack an individual.

    Small fish in a dense school, moving in unison, may discourage a predator by appearing as a single, much larger creature." October 1997 ncaquariums.com

    Many animals warn each other and other species about predators. If you want intelligence, inter-species dialogue is a potent mark. Also there is a breakdown in intelligence among humans.

       For example, analytical intelligence versus physical intelligence. How can one weight one form of intelligence over another? A person is rarely good at both English and math. How could one compare William Shakespeare to Steve Hawkings?

       As for stealth rodents rely heavily upon stealth and are prey animals. Do rabbits race around in plain sight? No they hide in the brush slowly moving under cover munching away. You can observe this in the park. Same with deer, they hide in the tall brush and wait when humans approach. Camouflage is also a large part of this strategy.


    Rabbits are highly social

    • Rabbits are territorial animals and form complicated social structures."

       " rspca.org.uk

    Rabbits are intelligent

    • Pet rabbits can be taught to respond to commands using positive reward-based training." rspca.org.uk

       Ground squirrels send infrared radiation signal.  


    "It is the first time that an animal has been shown to send a deliberate signal using infrared radiation, or heat, says Aaron Rundus of the University of California," Published online 16 June 2004 | Nature | doi:10.1038/news040614-3

       "In the field of animal communication, an alarm signal is an antipredator adaptation referring to various signals emitted by social animals in response to danger." wikipedia

       Squirrel alarm signals are surprisingly complex. Let me know if you find any more meat eater arguments that need to be exterminated.






    •       As for intelligence we might not even be the most intelligent species:

      "1. Verbal – the ability to use words

      2. Visual – the ability to imagine things in your mind

      3. Physical – the ability to use your body in various situations

      4. Musical - the ability to use and understand music

      5. Mathematical – the ability to apply logic to systems and numbers

      6. Introspective – the ability to understand your inner thoughts

      7. Interpersonal – the ability to understand other people, and relate well to them" Psychologist Howard Gardner macalester.edu


  • gorillas are about 98% vegan and bonobos are pretty close to it also. their eyes are at the front of  their heads. they are more intelligent than any of the other animals listed except for dolphins and in the case of the gorilla, chimps. bonobos and gorillas have the abilities of stealth, etc. as well.

  • "- humans have their eyes at the front of their face not on the side of the head like other plant eaters (rabbits, deers...)"   ---   Humans came from the great apes, with a long tree dwelling linage.  All tree dwellers have forward looking binocular vision to navigate high in the forest, and to find fruit their favored food.

    We have the grinding teeth of vegetarians and lack big canines both indicators of a vegetarian animal.

    We have a very long colon as vegetarians animals do to culture food for extra nutrition.  Meat eaters have short  colons.

    Meat will spoil and putrefy in the digestive system, poisoning the body.  Vegetarians can be much cleaner within.  Fruitarians  can achieve perfect cleanliness within.

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  • well if you are looking for information to use in the human meat eater argument you need to check this video out


    the bottom line is all of humans important anatomical traits evolved from a plant based diet. And we have absolutely no traits typically associated with eating meat.

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
  • Since I have not eaten animal flesh in over 30 years I do not argue with people.if you are an ethical vegan you do not need to explain.   Some meat eaters just like to pick a fight so I use to say when I was a kid I do not eat anything with a face or mother. If you need to say anything just say you do not want to contribute to the suffering of any animals. 

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