Hi everyone!!!! 

I'm new to the RT4 plan... not new to raw/vegan. I have been vegan for 7.5 years and eat raw whenever I like. I have recently been dealing with a low immune system, dealing with UTI's, Cholecystitis, more UTI's and now hyper adrenals. I went on a no fat diet about a week ago in order to save my gallbladder. I felt great and healed quickly. I'm 10 - 15 pounds more than where I want to be. Now I am continuing on the no fat -  very low fat lifestyle. hence why the RT4 plan works excellent for me :) I am feeling full most of the day and was curious on if this feeling eventually passes? 

I know we are to keep our calorie intake up so it is my goal to eat as much fruit as I desire and then enjoy a no fat dinner consisting of rice noodles or white rice with mixed veggies. 

I do have a background in bulimia and yo-yo dieting... does this play a part in feeling full and having a slow digestion rate? 

The full feeling makes me feel uncomfortable... bulging belly, tired... 

I'm just hoping to hear that these feelings pass after a while spent on the diet... and if so, what's the average amount of time to see positive results in regards to less bloating?

Thanks in advance for any and all comments!! I greatly appreciate it!!


She Fit Vegan

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  • I probably eat three times as much as I did when I first came to this lifestyle back in November. I still get very full after my meals but it goes away so much quicker.

  • >I went on a no fat diet about a week ago in order to save my gallbladder. I felt great and healed quickly.

    Cool!  Amazing what our body can do when given the right conditions! :D

    Feeling uncomfortably full can be from having slow digestion, improper food combing or eating low calorie foods.  Go through all the lifestyle factors to make sure you are giving your body the best conditions. 

    Sleep is extremely important for healing and proper digestion, make sure you are getting enough.

    Proper hydration must be looked at objectively, pee clear 10+ times daily to make sure you've got it covered.

    Proper food combining is a must.  Mono meals are ideal and mono days can be very helpful for those with very poor digestion.  Going on a mono island for weeks or even months is a must for those with extremely poor digestion.

    Stick to high calorie fruits or if doing rawtil4, high calorie carbs, and skip anything low calorie for a few weeks, add the greens and any other low cal stuff back in as your tummy can handle it. 

    When doing rawtil4, if you can start out on fruit only, that is ideal, then add in one cooked carb at a time to see how your body handles it.  Some have trouble with rice, others with potatoes, and others with gluten.

  • Thank you Gary 811 ~ I will get a food combining chart to be sure I'm doing that part of it correct!! :)

    Alice Donoghue ~ I agree with increasing the food amount gradually :) maybe I should not try to go all in right at first ;) my smoothies alone leave me feeling full for hours. I can have one smoothie, one snack and dinner and be ok. but that wouldn't be the appropriate amount of calories that we're being taught. baby steps ;)


    She Fit Vegan

  • I thought the title said  "Does the unfull feeling lesson", because that's a common issue.  Your fullness may be bloating, and that will eventually go away.  Potatoes digest better than grain.  And make sure you're doing proper food-combining.

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