Has anyone read 80/10/10 book?

Has anyone read the 80/10/10 book by Douglas Graham before starting on your journey into this 80/10/10 lifestyle? If not why? I have found that this book is chocked full of info regarding this lifestyle. I also have gone through nearly ever post on this website dating back to the beginning, and found the knowledge from the original threads was like opening a treasure box.

Yes, this took a couple months to read through, and definitely not for everyone, but it was an investment to me for me, and have so much gratitude to have this info at my fingertips for FREE. Why would we attempt 80/10/10 without filling our minds with the guidelines to thrive and live an abundant life instead of winging it and hoping for the best?

To anyone that is extremely serious about succeeding in this, I highly recommend reading everything on this website, and the 80/10/10 book. Including

the welcome wagon.


The forum guidelines.




The 80/10/10 Diet - By Douglas N. Graham.

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  •    "Has anyone read the 80/10/10 book by Douglas Graham before starting on your journey into this 80/10/10 lifestyle? If not why?"

       I didn't because I was sick and desperate. There isn't always time to research to exhaustion.

    • Raw VeganGamer, your info and the passion you display on this site shows me you DO research to exhaustion. As a matter of fact, often. You just said Friday, "After doing over four years of research and spending time with Arnold from Arnold's Way I am finally convinced that vegan is the way to go"  A quick look through your profile shows a ton you have posted that needed lots and lots of research. You have posted tons on peer reviewed and well researched topics, but in the same post you state, "Another question is if I mess up and eat an animal product do I post it to my dairy? "  You have posted another thread stating you don't like to read so this isn't the first time I have read this from you. You give our community tons of positive things to read up on and know, but what have you done to invest in yourself? To finally get rid of meat products? Your doing everything outwardly, but where is the work gonna start on your insides? You march for the animals, but you still eat them?? Makes no sense to me. Like I said, you have tons of really great threads, and post butt loads on the vegan way, but you don't practice any of it on your own health as far as I can see. Do you read any of the info you post? Because it's exhausting to even get that much data gathered.

      •      Ahhh, I did a trial run. Meaning I attempted raw vegan-ism because I felt there wasn't time to research a whole lot before a trial run. Now I'm looking for a more permanent change. Yes I read all of what I post several times over. Most of my posts take an hour or so to research and type.

            Basically my algorithm goes like this:

        0. preliminary research

        1. trial run

        2. exhaustive research

        3. permanent lifestyle change

           I'm finally beginning step three.

        • Get the book 80/10/10 by Douglas Graham. This lifestyle's diet will have everything you need when you have questions. Even for a vegan, vegetarian switching over to 80/10/10 is not easy. This book is easy reading, you will be happy you did.

          •     I acquired the 80/10/10 book, its taking me awhile to track down all of Graham's sources though. When I watch a documentary, read a book, or read an article. I like to look to go straight to the sources verifying each piece of information as I go. I figure information is always lost in the translation and its best to go to the primary source instead of reading 2nd hand from Graham.

                For example I'm still trying to figure out exactly how meat and diabetes are linked from the book. You may have read the book in two months, but I doubt I will finish the book in two years.

               On the same note, I do plan to attempt to find all the raw data from the China Study to verify the facts are correct. Without first verifying all the facts in a non-fiction book, how can you move onto speculation and finally implementation of the ideas?

               Its interesting to me how people will argue over ideas without first gathering all the facts. My favorite example is torture. People will argue back and forth if we should waterboard terrorists. Yet, its been proven that torture is an unreliable method of gathering information making the debate moot.


               "Torture -- Physical Force Is An Unreliable Method Of Interrogation" rferl.org


  • I even learned heaps about you guys (the peacekeepers), and give you so much thanks for having the patience to monitor this site for years. Even Freelee's and DR's YouTube videos have loads of good stuff. The way I see it, is this is my life. If I was buying a house or a car, wouldn't I research to exhaustion before signing on the dotted line? Why not for my health? There are 6+ years of fantastic journey's on this website. I'm using it to my fullest advantage. In the beginning of my posts reading, it was like a really good reality TV show, but in book form LOL! So combined with the 80/10/10 book, reading thousands of posts on this website including the 30Bad links I posted, and YouTube, I'm set!

    Thank you Thank you!

    • :D  Yes, better than reality TV!  And thanks for the thanks, very sweet! <3

  • Couldn't put it better self, B-mom!  

    What you've recommended here is exactly what folks new and experienced alike need to know to achieve their best success.

  • Thanks Bananamomma!  I totally agree!  And yes, there are some really great threads on here on soooo many topics, it is indeed a treasure trove! 

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