'ive got bi polar etc'

everyone has bi polar to some degree dont you think? got any workmates that are lovely for a week then jekyll comes out when they get under a load they feel overwhelmed with.people new to a certain sport just train and train and train and then hit the wall for a month. then train and train and train and hit another wall.people whom are high energy at night and then you cant even get em to move in the morning..people whom think grandiose plans and then dont know how to follow em thru..these are all symptoms of bi polar. I CAN WALK INTO ANY SHRINKS OFFICE AND GET DIAGNOSED WITH A HOST OF MENTAL ISSUES...lol! how? cos i know the symptoms. and if you eat a 100% raw vegan diet and believe 911 was an inside job, then your DEFINITELY CRAZY! lol! even if you enter a shrinks office, your INSTANTLY admitting you got issues! lol! its like driving your car to a mechanics and saying 'its fine, its fine!' and the mechanic will say 'well why did you bring it in? i bet i can find a problem with it if you give me enough time..'and for the record, we all have 'issues', is just wether we are aware of them and in control of them that matters..remember, NOBODY IS PERFECT BUT WE CAN ALL LIVE THE MOMENT..THE MOMENT OF EXCELLENT CHOICES AND EVEN BETTER QUESTIONS!so lets quit the bi polar identity and instead of asking ourselves 'am i crazy?' lets ask' how can i live more for my health and sanity? how can i get more hydration, fruit carbs, rest, sleep, sport, contribution, emotional poise?lets ask ourselves 'am i really crazy?' or am i just mega DEHYDRATED? mega overworked and underslept or am i focusing on things i cant control instead of things I CAN CONTROL?ive got a mate that did high fat gourmet raw for a year and just put their adrenals into overdrive and blood sugar all over the place. they ended up in hospital on a drip. then a few months later, with the same lifestyle abuses taking place, mother nature gave em a supersized warning to change their lifestyle. what happend? well it was a hot day and my friend had been cycling and going hard all month on not enough carbs, water, sleep, rest etc. then one day they boarded a bus and asked the bus driver to take them to south america..but the only problem is that we live in AUSTRALIA! lol! so off the bus they were kicked and to the mcdonalds drive thru they went..'can i take your order?' was the cash cry of the drive thru attendant. 'um, can i have some money so i can catch a bus to south america?' the attendant called the police and the police came. my friend asked the police why they need to carry guns and couldnt they just come from a place of love? the police asked my friend what they meant? my friend said 'see, this gun here, you dont need that, here let me get rid of it for you'.. and when my friend reached over for the gun, the next day they woke up in a mental ward..everyone thought my friend was crazy. their family, workmates etc. but as an ultra endurance athlete that knows of fellow cyclists getting off their bike and trying to square up to a letter box and screaming 'you wanna piece of me?! YOU WANNA PIECE OF ME?!' i know what the human body can handle and what happens when it cant handle it...we short circuit ourselves for a short period.so my friend is good now. i wont name names. not that its anything to be ashamed of. heck, good on em for increasing their carb intake, getting more sleep and rest and water and emotional poise.so do people really need to be locked up and jabbed with needles full of toxic drugs? and then fed hospital slop and ticked off the list as another mental case? or do crew need TRUE NOURISHMENT OF THE HIGHEST ORDER in the form of loving guidance, tuff love, fruit, greens, water, sun, exercise, life purpose, meditation etc..here is some more durianrider tips on controlling our emotions rather than our emotions controlling us..you wanna know what the secret is to living a life you dreamed of as a child?ASK BETTER QUESTIONS OF YOURSELF!when we ask certain questions, our brain will respond with certain chemicals. like it or not. ITS VITAL THAT WE ASK EMPOWERING QUESTIONS!you think i say 'why the fcuk is society so freak'n ignorant and apathetic?!!' or you think i say 'how can i reach society in a way that will win their hearts and minds?'see, you can understand why i find it so EASY to be happy every moment of every day. SIMPLY COS I ASK BETTER QUESTIONS THAN I USED TO..go buy some anthony robbins, wayne dwyer etc, dvds, mp3 etc and play em till your player gets cooked!its your life! so you need to take your action! no dress rehearsal champ, THIS IS IT! ONE SHOT!

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  • when i was in university trying to finish my degree (another story all together), i was having massive panic attacks. my brain just wouldn't shut off!!
    i went to the school counsellor to get some help. he told me i was "overcooking my thoughts."
    really i was overcooking my food! since going raw i haven't had as much as a sleepless night.
    • when our brain lacks sufficient blood sugar, our organ function is at risk. some people cook their brains, some cook their hearts, some cook their looks, either way, we are what we eat and if we eat cooked, we literally become cooked..

      lets avoid getting burnt, lets stay raw..
  • You should be really proud Moth:) Your story is so inspiring. It's great when you cleanse the body and cleanse the mind, huh? It's like, this is what it feels like to be centered:)
  • we aint nuts, we is bananas..
  • lol, I was diagnosed bipolar. I didn't mind it at the time because it got me out of jail and I was allowed to say I "self medicate because I'm bipolar"

    I started to get healthier, exercising, eating right, drinking enough water, sunshine and sleep. Strangely enough, I don't self medicate anymore. I don't need to get high, or drunk. I don't have mood swings.

    Who would of thought treating yourself properly could do such well..?
  • Wow...

    I'm so glad to hear someone else saying this. Years ago, my ex had a field day when my psychiatrist said I was bi-polar. I was like, of course I'm bi-polar, I quit drinking, I quit doing drugs, I'm married to you, and this guy wants to put me on more chemicals while my system is still readjusting to NORMALCY. I should be looking for a bridge to jump off of.

    She still labels me that way to this day, and I just smile. She is spiritually dead inside, and I'm always on a path of personal reinvention and personal discovery. So that makes me the crazy one. It's a whole lot easier to not delve into ourselves. Of course we look like we're nuts.

    And yes, the whole bi-polar thing, in my opinion, is basically a MISNOMER. Who isn't? One day I'm quiet, humble and soul-searching. The next I'm loud, arrogant and devoid of self-reflection...and often I'm posthumously apologetic because I bloviate and piss someone off. And when I eat whatever I want, do drugs, and never exercise or meditate, how are my chemicals supposed to stabilize? It's ridiculous. They wouldn't know if they were coming or going!

    Nothing revolutionary was ever discovered OR accomplished by sideline commentators. I'd rather be in the game. Even if I'm getting my ass kicked. The true me is reflected back to me in struggle. So I beat myself up to. I love it when people say I'm too hard on myself. I don't think I'm hard enough on myself, so I must have a lot more room to challenge myself!

    Stagnant souls always judge from the sidelines.

    I'd like to add Stephen Covey to that list. God I love that guy. He makes me ask the questions that burn.

    And I'm not gonna get too political, but who doesn't think 911 was an inside job? I mean jesus. Everyone's convinced except America and Israel. WEIRD.
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