much (21)

An Irritated Tongue

I got an irritated tongue a couple weeks ago. It was RED, Blotched, & very painful. I chalked it up to eating too many peaches in 2 days. so I stayed off the peaches (I just ate bananas & watermelon for a few days), and my tongue irritation when away

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Views: 8

One kilo of dried dates

Hi everyone!So today I've had 4 oranges 9 apples and about 500g dates and will have rice and sweet potato for dinner.I kin of want to keep eating dates before dinner - if it came to 1kg (2 pounds) of dried dates would that be too much?? Am I just goi

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Views: 3

Losing weight. Normal?

Hi all,

So I've been fairly consistently raw for the last several months and I've been losing some weight. I've never been that concerned with my weight but I just want other people's opinions/experiences on the subject. I'm 6 feet tall and I'm down t

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Views: 1

Salty grossness!

So, last night, my boyfriend and I decided to order sushi pretty late at night.  We'd been to a wedding earlier that day, and though I brought fruit and a fruit smoothie with me, I still wasn't able to eat enough (because heavens forbid there be vega

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play but do not excercise?


i am happily buried in a ton of information regarding the food aspect of this lifestyle..

but  i have read recently this saying here,  : play but do not exercise...


i hired a personal trainer for  2 years..   ( expensive)   to do weights and ot

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Banana overload?


     I have just began a raw vegan diet and I am only a few days into it. I am also attempting to gain weight so I have been eating the fruits with the most calories, mostly Banana's and dates. The first couple of days I consumed 30 - 40 banana

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