I just gave myself a b12 injection, and I have been worried I injected this into the vein, instead of the muscle. 

It hurt more than usual and now the spot where I did this, has been swollen. (on my thigh)

I did not do this "pull back to check for blood thing" that I see some people recommend....... 

Can someone PLEASE answer if you are aware?

Is there any way of knowing if I injected into the vein, and if I did do I need to repeat this again sooner bc from what I understand doing this properly it is a slow release of b12, but into a vein is far more rapid so maybe the B12 is used and clears out of your body quicker this way?

And I know this deficiency is not bc of my veganism, but my inability to absorb for other reasons just to share. 

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  • When you go stab a huge needle completely perpendicular and blind into your muscle, the chances of hitting a vein and furthermore, actually being able to get the needle properly in the vein long enough and steadily enough to get the substance in there is virtually impossible. Coming from someone with tons of experience with needles and both IV and IM injections, what most likely happened was that you injected into the tissue on accident instead of the actual muscle.

    Symptoms of this are a burning sensation, itchiness, swelling, and sometimes a bump or rash will form on the skin. It's not the end of the world and your body will eventually absorb it. Either you need to be using a longer needle or you're not going in at a perpendicular enough angle ( like a letter T).

    If by some miraculous chance you had gotten it into the vein, there would be no swelling. You are getting classic symptoms of a subcutaneous injection/injection into the tissue. What length/gauge needle are you using, and where are you doing your injections? Make sure you get some longer needles so that you can make sure it's going past the tissue and all the way into the muscle.

  • Everyone I thank you *most infinitely* for your help! I know it's a bit ridiculous but I have been on phone only for my Internet since posting this,travelling and ultra stressed so I truly apologize so so* much for not responding sooner! But I did see your responses and they helped me. <3 <3 <3
  • First off, we can't give medical advice, so if you're really worried please consult a physician.

    But a couple thoughts come to mind.

    I've injected in sites--arm, tummy love handle region, and the leg.  The leg by far is the most painful in my experience, so you may not be feeling anything unique.  

    One time when injecting, I must have had the needle at too wide of an angle or not deep enough, because the B12 just puddled beneath the skin.  It was discolored and formed a little bump that gradually disappeared over the next few weeks.

    And for the record, I've never "pulled back for blood."  I've seen no recommendation for doing that from the company that I've used, Trim Nutrition.  

    Just my experience, Sateah.  Hope it helps.

    • i always do the leg, i experience zero pain, and i've been told i'm using thick needles, the pulling back for blood thing is told to me by my doctor and the dude in the video i posted.. though normally you shouldn't hit a vein.

  • This is how i do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tluwOMXMIQI

    Currently i'm using methyl injections that can go subcutaneously, intra musculairly or intravenously, so i'm not even too worried if i hit a vein. i don't know what kind of injections you use..

    Maybe you moved the needle too much or whatever causing the swelling or you touched the needle or something making it dirty.

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