I went to a natropath the other day as my mom wanted me to go so she felt better about my lifestyle. When she checked me over she said everything was awesome except for my blood pressure which was 80 over something else (its usually 90 over something). She said that that was crazy low and that it might have to do with the low amino acid levels since I am eating such little protein. Is this even possible? Has someone else had low blood pressure problems? How do I fix this?

Thank you in advance!

Carley Wilson

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  • I had the exact same number until I started exercising (swimming for an hour 5 days a week). Yesterday at the doc it was 120 over something
    • I have been slacking off lately since its cold up here in Canada still, I will get back into it! I always feel WAY better after I do something. Thanks :)

  • Hi Carley

    I have and always had very low blood pressure. There's nothing wrong about that, my numbers are often 80/50 or lower and I feel good. 

    I used to be a bloody animal eater and had the pressure just about 90/60 due to - in my opinion - 2 litres of coffee I drank every single day.

    • oh alright! Thanks! I won't be too worried :)

  • Physicians call a bp of 80/120 perfect and the most desirable state you could possibly be in....

    Just to give you an idea.

    If your bp was too low you´d definitely feel it, since it means that there is not enough blood nourishing the brain and thus its functions are dimmed down: no energy, exhausted, weak, slow, easily tired.... Does any of this fit with you?

    From a HCVR perspective your readings could be way lower than 80/120 and considered to be ideal :-)

  • idk but Harley always says not to go to naturopaths to get bloodtest because they're not accurate.. idk

    • Alright, I will make a doctors app, thank you!

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