Hi everyone

did you notice..okraw john kohler posted a video about Woodstock fruit festival  1 day ago..and video is now removed from youtube.

He mentions fruit quality is frequently really not good..average or less    they should strive to minimum quality.. I think because its fruit festival.... it should be at least  good or more..... and I will suggest to get as much as  possible excellent quality.


he suggests to use brix meter to order best fruit and selects the best fruits for the visitors. http://www.naturalcheck.com/brix_nutrient_testing.php

I think its good idea..

they should strive to improve quality of fruit.

 and moreover he suggests to increase organic %...

They even  bought not organic bananas..

Some people even complained..  ideally they would need to bring their own fruits...if they would go back to woodstrock fruit festival.

Thank you:)

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  • Fairtrade organic banana is better:)

  • I dont think its really possible to put on such a big festival with 1000 attendees eating unlimited fruit and expect great quality. Most of the fruit is often picked unripe to last longer, otherwise it would go bad in few days. 

    I lived in Thailand for over a year and it would literally take me all day to find the best quality in markets around and cost more money too. And now imagine 1000 people like me expecting the best quality. 

    Some people like Ted Carr are somehow satisfied with less quality and would even make a claims like, if there are apples in the store I can be a fruitarian. 

    If I went to WFF it would not be for the best quality fruit, but rather for the activities and socialising. 

  • Lol!

    JK couldnt even find enough fruit for a potluck let alone the WFF!

    NOT EASY providing that much fruit to so many people in just a week. Sure you can buy fruit but to source ripe quality high brix fruit is IMPOSSIBLE.

    JK really has become a cancer on the raw food movement. His whiny attitude really sucks.

    • I don't believe asserting that JK is a cancer on the raw food movement is fair.

      John offers quite a lot to the community regarding self-sustainability. I may not personally agree
      with all he says, but he does provide a lot of useful and meaningful content.

      Every youtuber has personality and presentation quirks, but the important consideration is to identify positive aspects of the material that is useful to the audience. As an example, I may not agree with all dietary views that you hold, and I might not identify with your presentation style, but I do appreciate and draw upon your extensive knowledge of cycling and cardio exercise, especially because its concisely presented and empirical.

      As for finding ripe fruit, I concur. It's nearly impossible to source fruit that hasn't been prematurely picked, as most of it is produced for commercial reasons requiring longer shelf-life for better projected profits.

      There needs to be a dietary paradigm-shift in society for the fruit-production industry to bother with changing their supply-habits.

  • Ha, John is from California, I doubt anyone from CA would be able to go from premium, freshly picked ripe fruit to the stuff that passes for food in the rest of the mainland U.S.  

    Fair trade bananas are far superior than organic bananas in taste and sustainability so that may be why the bananas were not organic.  

    Maybe John could volunteer to organize the fruit purchase for next year and make it a video project, that would be very interesting!  

    I got some grapes that were inedible they were so under ripe, yet my wholesaler said they rechecked the brix test and they passed. So I don't know if the brix test is very meaningful. 

    In the midwest you gotta stick with one or two fruits if you want ripe fruit, so maybe that is what they have to do at the fruit fest, mango and banana and cantaloupe* and oranges* (*they are hit or miss though even at end of season, depends on if the farm picked 'em ripe or not), that's your choices people! :D  

    People who are complaining need to volunteer and document next year's food supply!  

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