emotional eating

Hello :)

I am pretty new to 801010 and am struggling to stick to it. Partially due to budget and getting enough decent quality fruit; but mainly because of emotional attachments to crap!

Today I had a horrendous day at work. I work with children with behaviour problems and today I was kicked hard in the knee twice; I was bitten; had my hair pulled; and then became very frustrated in a meeting. By the end of the day I was emotionally drained and accepted the chocolate biscuits which were offered to me. I then went to the shops and bought a whole packet of biscuits and ate the lot!! Very stupid girl.

I really do not want to punish myself or dwell in mistakes as I do not want to get into a bad relationship with food!

Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with and banish emotional eating??


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  • Here's a blog post I did on this subject: http://pumpkinberry.blogspot.com/2014/05/say-yes-to-hunger-say-yes-... Smash in the fruit is the best advice I could give you. :)

  • thanks everyone! really helpful responses :) i think i need to carve out more time in the morning to have a monster fruit breakfast to start my day fully loaded with carbs! i'll keep some dried fruit in all of my bags so i', never caught out! and great reminder about how important sleep is! thank you everyone!! xxx

  • I also agree with what Sally said! I used to be incredibly attached to certain foods, mainly sweets, and don't get any cravings at all when I stay carbed up and hydrated. I've been eating this way for about 4 mon the. It's so important to get enough fruit and veggie carbs in. If you get cravings, especially for sweets or carbs, then you're probably not getting enough carbs. Also, it's important to take time everyday to de-stress (running and yoga help me tremendously). Try to get an adequate amount of sleep too... Not getting enough rest can set you up for mood swings.
  • If you feel temptations during certain times of the day, you can try and plan something during that time so you're busy and cannot eat to try and break habitual eating.

  • What Sally said was perfect! I've been dealing with it by doing other relaxing things to take my mind off of work & school, like listening to music (with headphones) and/or taking a walk. :)
  • Also I find that now I've been eating this way for 2 months I don't get cravings or mood swings - so try stick with it so you can reap the benefits . I get cravings for fruit now ☺️
  • That's why you have to be carbed up -make sure you have the right amount of calories , Also make sure your prepared - have high carb options available , bring fruit with you , make your fav smoothie, dried fruit, organic juice , nuts or seeds (not too many) or have something like potatoes, corn pasta or rice and don't have any junk in the house . Make sure you have lots of options available so when your in a "I wanna eat everything in sight" mood eat something that will nourish your body
  •  Hi Abi, I really relate to your struggles with emotional eating.  It took my quite a long time to work through the issues.  You need to deal with it on all three levels: physical, emotional and spiritual.  To take care of the physical you need to eat fruit and lots of it, until your are satiated.  Be prepared by having loads of ripe fruit on hand and wherever you go.  The emotional and spiritual aspects are harder.  Here are a couple of articles I've written on this subject which you might find useful.  The first one deals more with the physical, the second more with the emotional and spiritual..


    and   http://www.realrawnutrition.com/eating-disorders/

  • Hey I used to do what I thought emotional eating but then I realised it was just because I was undercarbed. In my opinion eat more high carb low fat vegan and u won't want junk food because u know how good it feels and you will be better equipped to deal with things in your life too :)
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