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  • Hi dandelion, So sorry for the very late response as we just haven't been on much at all. :)

  • Hi Dandelion-  I'm doing very in-depth step work.  It's mind blowing.  I went for acupuncture today and the L.Ac put one needle in on the top of my head and I started to bubble over and cry.  The spiritual work is so intense.  I kinda did things the generic O.A. way for awhile, then did a major, major change of direction and started doing it the very traditional way:  from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Almost done with my fourth step; it's a f*cking doozy.  But I know I will experience tremendous, miraculous results in all areas of my life if I can follow through on this. - This is a premium name - This is a premium name
  • Hi Dandelion-  I saw your comment about getting sick of bananas after a couple of days and I've had the same experience.  But then I was thinking if I did drink just banana milk for a couple of days of week, that still would be pretty awesome huh?!

  • Hi Dandelion, lovely to meet you too, looking forward to chatting to you , peace,love,happiness to you x

  • Western Sydney way! You?

  • Thanks! I would love to hear what else you are making. 

  • Thanks for accepting :) I'm moving from Perth, but I grew up in Moss Vale before moving to Sydney, then the last 2.5 years in Perth. My parents are in the Highlands so I'm heading back to spend some time there and with old Sydney friends. Fantastic to know there's at least one raw comrade in the Highlands!!! Won't be there for a couple of months, but would be great if we could catch up then!

  • Thank you so much Dandelion! Glad we're friends :) Have a wonderful day, Esperanza xxx

  • Hey :) thanks for adding me as a friend.LOL yes i love ur Greek name :)

    im new here.thanks ,have a beautiful day!!!

  • Yeah, I think Amish people have better computer skills than me....

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