I feel more connected with my Jewish heritage as I face the oppression of my peers and society as a LFRV. 

Hopefully, this group will be a place to talk about Jewish life and values and their place in our lives as 80/10/10 raw vegans. 

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  • yay jews!!! What do you guys do about all the traditional holiday foods! Jewish food is a big part of our culture and I don't want to feel like I'm missing out! 

  • I just got back from my Birthright trip.  Did not stay HCRV at all, but I never planned on it.   But I am back on the grind.

    So happy to connect with jewish fruitbats.

  • Struggling staying 100% raw - cannot find a way to celebrate Shabbat without challah, passover without matzo, etc... ADVICE?  Of course on holiday's we bring out the killer Israeli salad & festive cut veg | fruit platters but once breads are tasted the cooked food cravings kick in!

  • And I know my last name is not Jewish.  Ignore that. I'm half.  Dad is Italian, mom is Jewish.

  • Oy.  If my Bubby could see me now!  :P

    Anyone done birthright 811?  I just put down I was vegetarian prefer vegan.  I got excepted.  I figure I will eat cooked high carb for a few days to get my prepared for the trip.  But I would definitely prefer to keep on the raw fruits path.  If they would be able to accomodate, I would contact and let them know.

  • I've been invited to Passover in RI and invited to bring RAW dish(es). My host buys almond milk, so naturally, I'm bringing a homemade version. Does anyone have good Passover recipes???


  • Anyone in NY interested in gathering for a 80 10 10 potluck, yoga & havdallah in the park?

  • Shalom!!

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvjbLYXnQmE

    nice video

  • shavua tov le culam

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