Attention to Detail of Nutritional value of Foods..   Studies in biology, Consumes me..  Google Alkyl  Amino Acids..  I found this ref to DNA damage from MSM , a common "health food" .

Google search it came from .. 
 Google descriptor :  note   DNA damage caused by methyl methanesulphonate, thats MSM taken for Arthritis, joint pain.
My advice for this, NAC and Niacinamide 0.5gm each / day.
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Preventative Nutritional Medicine.. means, Food you eat to stay Healthy.. Nutritional Medicine is the name of a course available under GOV subsidy for those who cant afford $22,500. Recommend ON-Line 2 year course.. Enrol ANY time, City Clinical Biology included

AS NOone COMMENTS about  THIS  EXPERIENCE ..  Seem too busy comparing notes, on the activity TREE..

 NOone added to the discussion Forum, below .. ?   Whats the point of joining then staying quiet ..?

 LETS get rolling with Sugars aint sugar MUST be TOO complex for peeps .. No comment on Dead Sea Salt?

Cellular metabolic intermediates convert into 15grams of Xylitol per day .. fueling the perpetual energy cycle towards >Pyruvate  thru to >ATP .. in each cell of the body.  Fact of Xylitol not requiring insulin to metabolise in the body, classes this naturally occurring (in fruit.. & pulp of plants) sweetener as a health benefitting non-sugar.  Proven to alkalyse the mouth by not supporting acid-producing bacteria thus its antibacterial properties prevent caries by 90%.  In fact calcium and phosphate ions deposit onto previously caries damaged areas once saliva pH is above 7..  A simple test is to moisten a small area of pH papers made for testing pH of pool water ;- ) ..add it to toothpaste.

Sweet potato orange & white , pumpkin and as little chic peas as needed .. soaked 24 hrs .. for more adventurous, home made soy bean curd as well , soak >48hrs at room temp , until bubbles appear, strain & sqeeze through cheesecloth, then add lemonjuice to cheesecloth extracted liquid, to separate a tofu curd .. u can use citric acid , tis cheaper and better results unless use miles of lemon juice .. clean water keeps fermentation low.. keep water level jus above the peas

Steam ultra low (whats the rush, put it on early) sliced potatoes on top of chick peas ( i use a croc pot) to capture all juices)  when firm (not fallin apart) remove sweet pot and mash a raw banana into it..  The chick peas increase nutrition and need to be started an hour sooner in the crock (after the soak) 60degC takes 3hrs i throw that water out, it partly ferments..  Once you balance steaming times, u can get the chick peas out with the orange sweet pot , and blend them together with warm banana .. Steam white sweet potato  separately , then drop Pumpkin after half time in thin slices on top, gets there faster than potato .. Dont overcook .. either combine this pumpkin/ pot mix with fresh tofu as made above ( to taste )  or leave in chunks . the orange sweet  potato / chic pea /  banana  mix is the sauce ( bulk sauce ) use dead sea salt ,  low Sodium  <5%,  7 times higher in magnesium , 33 % depends on salt adulterat , buy from NewDirections. Best taste with 3hr chickpea steam then 2hr potato +pumpkin 1hr    Crocpot must be on Simmer, for best taste .. reduce times accordingly.. orange, plum n fig chutney goes nice with this ..

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  •  many take MSM, as a so called Sulphur This ref states its dangerous, however i enjoy amino acid stacks.. Cysteine or NAC is a great organic sulphur. antioxidant

     found this ref DNA damage from MSM "health food"

    Google search it came from .. 
     Google descriptor :  note   DNA damage caused by methyl methanesulphonate
    Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're lo…
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Franchise Operator in Macau

WEll there is little action on Nutrition, how about i start a group targeting MACAUUpside is they get FREE STAY on the Land with the pretty view .. yes thats my 12,7acres i am tired to recite the Urban Village concept .. U can check that out on ,  sunshine coast chapter .. if its still there..  If not,  ask Zeit for links.. months of work.Another project for U not related to products, is exhibition of my friends photography Peter Elphes , which the Aus govern sponsor ABC…

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Banana Island

On the question of adding Coconut Sugar to a banana smoothy :Bananas contain  3 dominant sugars : Fructose , Sucrose and Glucose in that order..  as Sucrose is equal weight of Fructose and Glucose once the molecule is cleaved,  the available blood glucose levels are going to be fairly high , without adding more sugars. Banana has the added advantage that u select the amount of Sugars in it, by when u choose to eat one .. or three , and thus vary the taste widely more that by adding Coconut…

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Lets start with Sugars , mono - , di- , oligo-saccharides & a mention of polyhydric alcohols (Xylitol)  These are Simple Carbohydrates, which mainly convert to Blood Glucose levels relatively quickly, except Xylitol ,which  has just over half calorific value of sucrose, that is slow release.   Cellular metabolic intermediates convert into 15grams of Xylitol per day   .. fuelling the perpetual energy cycle towards >Pyruvate  thru to >ATP .. in each cell of the body.  Fact of Xylitol not…

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