this is a fruity group of PAGANS, HEATHENS, WICCA, OCCULTISTS & WITCHES who speak the same language, who support each other with being vegan, raw and 801010 LFRV.

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  • Hello, I'm new to being a vegan as well as a seeker in the craft. Since I am limited to what I can practice, study, research, as well as BE vegan while living with my religious family, I do what I can. Mostly working on connecting with the elements, meditation, grounding, shielding, and quietly doing simple things for celebrating the sabbats in my own way. Very glad to be here. Some interests I have in the craft are stones/crystals, runes, tarot, and working with my pendulum. I am lacking when it comes to books now because of a incident a few months back in which my mother had me throw them all away, so going to start fresh whenever I can move out. I also have an interest in working with herbs. I have a very small garden and since I enjoy cooking and trying new things, I want to incorporate the craft more in my life. 

  • My practice is whenever I'm outside. When I run through the woods travel on trails with my horse, etc. it's not formal, but it is for me. I celebrate my sabots and on the non mainstream ones it maybe a moment of silence in my lawn some meditation or a meal to celebrate (my hubby is atheist). Others like Yule and Samhain I'm all out with
  • Helle Norgaard Lykkebo : Check out books by Starhawk. She is pretty amazing. She wrote The Spiral Dance in her twenties (I believe that would be the 70's), but it is still very relevant. You can get a twentieth anniversary edition which has her notes after ten years and after twenty years. 

  • The best way to practice the craft, in my own opinion is spending time in nature. Just having that connection is so uplifting.
  • Hi. I am a newbie into witchcraft. I have always been interested since I read about it for seven years ago. I have read some books, but I have not found the right way for me to practice the craft. I am spirituel interested and I am beginning now to use angel prayers to get to the right path. I am also interested in atrology and stones and so on. Can you recommend some books about witchcraft which are modern and which I can use in everyday life. I have just been scared away by all the tools I have to buy or make, because I am much more happy for nature and doing meditation and positive thinking and prayers.. And also angelcards.. But I just want to read more about witchcraft. I am really drawn to it. And also celebrate the festiva like Yule (which I have done one time :-) ) and etc. Thank you for answer

  • dont forget everyone - even though it is the business calendar new year it is not the natural laws new year - that being said, keep safe for the new business calendar year.

  • 25 dec is the hardest day of the year for raw vegan pagans and witches - because pressure is on two fronts,  religious and animal rights - just hang in there guys, your not alone, there will be retribution which is not your responsibility to execute - keep working your protection spells/rituals.




  • hi dragonsquirrel - what are you looking for exactly - paganism & folk religions are a very broad base of subjects - what specifically are you after ? what is your heritage - this will give me some idea of where to point you ?

  • Could not resist this piece of unsolicited advice...don't text and fly...


    Cackles quietly to self.  

    Peace, PK

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Information some here may find interesting.This development is, of course, not unconnected with the Pythagorean revival in philosophy. But by then the Pythagorean ban on eating meat had been reinforced by a philosophical tradition going back to Theophrastus and Xenocrates, the heads of Lyceum and Academy respectively in the late fourth century B.C. Theophrastus' work On Piety (much of which has been preserved in Porphyry's On Abstinence) presented a systematic argument against animal sacrifice,…

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Witch Music

Great group. Raw vegan witchery is no doubt the highest state of enlightenment. How about a discussion/thread for posting videos/links etc. for all the great witch themed music?I believe there is no more appropriate song to start off with than "Wytches" by England's Inkubus Sukkubus. The first band of considerable success to distinctly divorce witchery from satanic concepts with most of their songs focusing around explicitly pagan themes.  Many audio songs available on Inkubus Sukkubus' Reverb…

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Adrenaline.Hormone from adrenal glands of hogs, cattle, and sheep. In medicine. Alternatives: synthetics.Alanine.(See Amino Acids.)Albumen.In eggs, milk, muscles, blood, and many vegetable tissues and fluids. In cosmetics, albumen is usually derived from egg whites and used as a coagulating agent. May cause allergic reaction. In cakes, cookies, candies, etc. Egg whites sometimes used in "clearing" wines. Derivative: Albumin.Albumin.(See Albumen.)Alcloxa.(See Allantoin.)Aldioxa.(See…

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Witch of Wallstreet and Body Modesty

Hey VW and others,This image posted by VW got me thinking about something....I guess I am still learning, so forgive me if I ask things that are already well known in this community.But here is the question:  I have observed several things...especially in the few years I have spent @30BaD.  We have a few members who almost go an anarchist path.  They tend to have cold personalities and almost narcissistic or egotist.  They care only about themselves.   These types tend, in the name of going…

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