Results with HCCV - or only raw?

Hi everyone,

It seems like people have had good results with HCRV.  Has anyone noticed results (ovulation, weight loss, etc) with HCCV?

I've been doing mostly HCCV for approx 2 months and haven't really noticed weight loss.  I have not been exercising; however, compared to what I was eating before, it's been a huge improvement. Yet, little to not weight loss.

I'm wondering if with PCOS, the results are only with HCRV?

Thanks so much for any input.

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  • Hi L,

    You were able to recover from PCOS with LFRV?? I'm so, so blessed to hear that.

    Can you explain to me your exact transition? I have pretty bad acne. All the works. I'm trying to keep fruit to breakfast only (7-10 pieces) and filling the rest of the day with salads.

    Did you notice (long term) results with the rest of your symptoms through this lifestyle? Or just periods?

    Thanks! Ruthy

    • Hi everyone !!!I  have a question since i am on hcrv lifestyle for almost 7 months now and i arrived to a point where i am struggling. because after 7 months i havent lost any weight - it has fluctuated though:) 

      I ve been diagnosed with hormonal imbalance _ PCOS syndrome since 2008. Been vegan for the last 4 years and lately switched to raw low fat.. I feel sooo great on this lifestle and was losing weight slowly but surely the first 5 months (-3.5kg) and got back my periods back after 3 monhs with 2 regular cycles (when they used to be 120days and moreon SAD)

      However the past two months i have put back on 2.5 kg and have no menses for 63 days now ... I havent changed anything follow 80/10/10 and didnt fall off not even felt attracted by other food ....

      It feels hard and even if i know it is the path and way to go i cannot find any stories of PCOS and struggling with weight loss even on fruits...

      What is your opinion about this or maybe you know someone who reversed PCOS or hints and tricks to help,

      Also i have notice that the last month my appetite has increased i eat up to 3000 kcal only fresh fruits and vegetables. Is it too much ? 

      I am a bit desperate because i feel and get bloated especially my belly- and i m doing mono meal so its no food combination. im exercising 45 min to 1h everyday of interval circuit training 6 days a week...

      Really boys and girls any hints to release the weight and heal Pcos,,,


  • Hey there! Welcome to the group.

    Women with PCOS suffer from hormonal issues and insulin resistance. In order to treat PCOS, we must deal with the cause of the hormone dysfunction as well as treat the insulin resistance. I have heard of women going raw, ovulating, and then going back to cooked, only to stop ovulating again (happened to me, too, as I experimented).

    For women with PCOS, losing weight on cooked is challenging, but not impossible. Vigorous exercise every other day, if not daily, is a must for those going the cooked food route. Incorporate carbs with higher protein content such as beans, which slow down digestion and result in less sugar entering your bloodstream at a time. Eat organic, if and when possible. Less toxins means less interference with hormones and bodily functions.

    Also, check your vitamin B12 (and B-family, in general) and D3 levels. The B-family vitamins have been observed to lower homocysteine levels, which tend to be higher in women with PCOS. Vitamin D receptors have been found in pancreatic b-cells, and we know that the pancreas secretes insulin. It is surmised that lower vitamin D levels may be a cause of insulin resistance.

    With thus said, I have observed that women with PCOS have lower vitamin B-family and D3 levels. There's theories that selenium and chromium may play a role as well.

    I personally have had my period eating mostly raw, with beans and lots of salads, but barely any potatoes and rice. For some reason, potatoes and rice disable me from getting a period. However, it may be the condiments and the oil in combination of the two. I am currently experimenting with the potatoes again, but no period has come, proving my assumptions.

    My advice is the following: Eat well (low fat, but make sure to have some in order to be able to properly absorb fat-soluble vitamins), exercise til you sweat, make sure you're not deficient in anything that may be contributing to the lack of homoestasis, and if eating cooked, reduce the amount of sugar entering the bloodstream at a given time by eating beans and greens.

    Hope this helps, dear.

    P.S. Stay away from the gluten and bread! Eat your vegetables! :)

    Some references:
    *there's some things I disagree with Dr. Dach on, but he is spot on with a lot; look at his references on PCOS and vitamin D*
    (McDougall's take on PCOS, in the middle of the page. Dr. Fuhrman has apparently cured his with of PCOS, too.)

    • Thank you so much, L -- this information is really helpful.  I'm eager to look it over.  (and, thanks for the great links!!!)   

      Thank you again for your help.

    • Always :)

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