Morning routine?

Hey everyone-

What is your favorite routine in the morning? Does you have a goal each morning, for example a full body check to search out sore areas; freshen up the alignment; stretching; a flow sequence that just wakes you up, etc.?

Since learning that coffee really does not agree with the new me - however organic fair-traded or ristretto it is - yoga in the morning has been such a wonderful way to begin the day. Coupled with a big jar of water I can't find a better combination. Now I seek diversity. Let's hear your routine!

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  • I am trying to learn how to do yoga properly I started out with the Wii but there are very few poses on there and I've done most of them and I get bored because there's not a real person with me while I'm doing it and I get lonely. is there anyone that lives in MD that would be willing to do yoga in the park or something?

  • Depends on if I have a work/family crisis in the morning these days....


    I try to do 1 hour of Vipassana meditation every morning.

    Afterwards, if I'm lucky, afterwards I can do 15-30 minutes of yoga/qi gong before showering.


    Lately I've taken to the 15 minute Short Form in David Swenson's Ashtanga Yoga:

    • Sun Salutation A, 3-5 rounds
    • Sun Salutation B, 3-5 rounds
    • Paschimottanasana
    • Marichyasana C
    • Navasana
    • Urdhva Dhanurasana
    • Paschimottanasana
    • Padmasana
    • Savasana

    Then my fruits!!!!!

    • wow you can do all 7 postures, plus 6 - 10 sun salutations in 15 mins?

  • Thanks gals! Sita, great resource, I'd never seen that site before. Seems to be the 30bad of yoga. Awesome!
    • :) If you want to work hard, I can recommend David Magone's PranaVayu yoga program (on the MYO website) for the whole week. I can't do all the poses (like twisted side crow on one arm), but you can experience progress in general, so what you can't do (yet) is not that frustrating. Good luck!
    • I've been looking for good tips on yoga. Will check out your suggestion.Thanks

  • After some water I start yoga classes (mostly moderate and intermediate level and more that 60min) from Myyogaonline. You can choose different levels, duration and styles (I love diversity too). The routine I end with tai chi, the 24 forms. Sometimes add or vary with the 8 pieces of brocade qigong series (simple but great), or get the rebounder.

    It's easy to get used to exercise before breakfast. Exercise is the first thing I crave for :) Then a green banansmoothie.

    During wintertimes the exercise bike is another option. 

    The dry brushing I did for a while, will be taking that up again, coz it's great! thnx Maite ;)


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