A place where people that live in or that visit the Netherlands/Belgium can get together and share!

You are welcome to post in Dutch . If you are a visitor and unfamiliar with the language feel free to post in English!

155 Members

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  • Ik ben raw till 4 aan het doen en woon in het midden van het land. Is er nog iemand anders uit Nederland die hetzelfde doet op dit moment?
  • Iemand van ongeveer mijn leeftijd (17) zin om een keer ergens vegan te gaan eten/ te praten?! Laat maar weten! Ik sta open voor suggesties.

  • Malinas machinas represent!

    Bedankt om de link te posten, lijkt me leuk. 23 aug staat in de agenda ;-)

  • Hey guy's , Rawtill4 from Mechelen here, anyone in my neighbourhood?

    Check out this first vegan summerfest in Gent:


    Vegan Summer Fest
    Event in Gent, Belgium by BE Vegan on Sunday, August 23 2015 with 1K people interested and 4.1K people going. 154 posts in the discussion.
  • Great, we are already 3!19th-21st of June is fine with me. Anyone else who wants to join?

  • Hi! I'm traveling to Antwerpen and I'm gonna spend a day in Brussels. I just wanted to ask if anyone would want to meet with me. I'm a HCLF vegan, I try to eat mostly fruits. If you would like to meet me, please send me a message. I'd really like to meet fellow vegans!

  • Great idea Angela!! Organising a fruit luck. (I eat raw till 4 and live in Amersfoort)

  • Hi dear all, how about organising a fruit potluck in one of the parks in Amsterdam in June? it would be lovely to meet some of you. I haven't yet met anyone who eats rt4 or fully raw :(

  • Is anyone from Zutendaal? :)

  • Hey Nerada & Seb, 

    I live in Brussels! not fully raw but rt4! 

    Great to know we are not alone :)


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Anyone around?

Hi everyone, I just moved back to Belgium. I'll be starting my bachelor degree at the Université Catholique de Louvain. I'm gettin a little lonely around here... Anyone else in Belgium? Anyone else in the Ottignies-Louvain La Neuve area?

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