Expressing in a positive way, giving praise to praiseworthy persons, inventions, initiatives, events , personal achievements lists etc.

With the purpose of being : inspired, thriving, informed & happy...

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  • welcoming randafrazier as a new member

  • I have a website that I am working on called... "SIX STEPS TO BETTER HEALTH" and I think that you would appreciate the 6th step that I am writing called, "How to be easily amused and impossible to offend".

    Six Steps To Better Health
  • yOUR "STYLE" : adding hilarious photo's etc to enhance "visual delight" is "comedy capers"..!? (title of a black & white Charlie Chaplin style comic episodes on t.v. in the 60 ties...)

    Yet you are a V ery I mportant P erson in this community as a p.k., thus obtaining a total "brightness" (shine around bright eye.. lyric from the son g total eclipse of the heart by B. Tyler; yeah an oldie ...).

    Thanks 4 your tips & funny pics (hope 2 have your talent/ ability some day)...

  • Appreciate the kind messages, Carine. 

    One thought on how to spread your group's message around:  each time you write somebody (like you did a day or two ago letting about 30 peeps know about my addition), include the hyperlink to the group.  Not overtly, just as part of your friendly signature.


    Remember, it wasn't all that easy to find for a while, and I still don't see it listed among your personal groups on your page, even as the creator.

    BTW, can you restate this for me. "from a comedy caper to a "v.i.p. p.k" is after all moving into the right direction 2 total eclipse).."  I must confess I'm not getting the reference :)



    Now for your fresh queries:

    In short, my responsibilities are to uphold 30B guidelines (see the "notes" box front and center on home page).  This includes making sure posts, videos, language, etc. are in compliance both regarding courtesy and our lifestyle model.  But primarily, I do what I like to do anyway:  add a silly comment/pic to lighten the mood or provide genuine assistance to someone needing aid.  I've also found that peeps with whom I've had no prior connection are contacting me either just to say hey, or to ask a question.  This has got to be related to having my avi so prominently featured amongst my fellow PK's on homepage.  It's a pleasure to make these additional connections. 

    My learning?  How to be tactful, even when I must correct someone.  It's easy to tell someone they're wrong.  Far more challenging, yet worthwhile, to point our their error civilly and with the purpose of ultimately uplifting them so they feel they still are welcome here with a simple adjustment on their part.  I'm actually better at it in writing than I am in person, so hopefully some in-person personal growth will be forthcoming from my experiences here, too :)  



  • Thanking Windlord for his poetic/ pacifist replying  to the questions : how did u become a "peace keeper" (from a comedy caper to a "v.i.p. p.k" is after all moving into the right direction 2 total eclipse)..

    what is your "task/ responsabikity" ?

    What are u learning on this path ?

    THANKS AGAIN 4 SHARING (there is "quote material" in this contribution, what is it 4 u dear pro proppers" ?!)

  • Carine kindly asked me to share a bit about the voluntary Peacekeeping position I've been honored to hold in this community.  My intent is for the following paragraphs to be beneficial to all of you as members of our fine nanna club, without any hint of horn-tooting on my part :)

    I'm reminded of the first Spiderman movie, whose core tenet is "With great power, comes great responsibility." 

    One one hand, I'm simply one of our 5,500+ members, with my own life and path to live with my own unique highs and lows. 

    On the other, I have accepted the mantle of watching over the rest of my compatriots.  While, even prior to be invited to be a PK, I took pride in lending a supportive word or lighthearted pic, I now recognize that I am an ambassador of sorts for that this community is and attains to be. 

    That means that I first have to hold myself to a higher standard (often enough unsuccessfully, but at least I can make the attempt :) 

    Whereas before I might have seen something inappropriate or objectionable in a post and just shrugged it off, now I have the option if not the duty to take corrective action in some form.  As I'm sure you've noted in perusing our FAQ's, 30B is not a forum for the espousing of any and all ideas.  Rather, we follow a quite specific health model, while attempting to steer clear of distracting topics.  The reason for this is akin to the practice that anti-counterfeiters study only genuine monetary bills, never forgeries.  That way, when they do come into contact with counterfeit bills, they are instantly recognizable as less than the real deal. 

    Similarly, we view the lifestyle concepts we promote here (raw, vegan, hydration, high carb, optimal fat, adequate sleep, purposeful existence, etc) as the genuine article.  When people see this message consistently enough, without distracting concepts, it really sinks in and is much easier to maintain in a world that's full of forces pulling us every which way. 

    People are free to eat, live, and learn about whatever concepts they chose in their own way, but here, we purpose 30B to be a place of refuge and a focused health message.

    As I'm sure you can imagine, for me this can be quite a challenge at times, maintaining a civil and hopefully beneficial tone towards even members whom I must correct.  Fortunately, such instances are rare, given our large population.  After all, we all are looking to improve ourselves while serving others, or we likely wouldn't be here at all!  

    It's encouraging to me to witness the helping hand that so many of you extend to fresh faces and those in need.  As a thread grows, each of you contribute some unique tidbit of information, and when compiled, the original poster has a far more solid foundation of knowledge from which to proceed. 

    While we PK's do have a significant amount of authority, there's only 20 of us.  There's no way we can see everything we need to or aid everyone who asks.  I applaud you all for making your own beneficial threads, or jumping into others' as you are lead, whether to give useful input or correct a wrong. 

    You're always welcome to contact one of us PK's to bring something to our attention.  The fact that you all do such a great just "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you" makes my task that much easier. 

    In my view, in a world filled with pain and contrary health messages, 30B is a beacon of  hope.  I congratulate you for adding your flame, as small as it might feel at times, to ensure that our light shines unmistakably that others may see and learn how they too can heal.


  • It's an honor to be amongst you :)
  • Aloha, Pros!



    Being introduced to and hired as a caretaker by an elderly couple, both of whom are disabled.  The job has become much more than that, even blossoming into a friendship, as everyday I seem to be assisting them in some new way that otherwise would be difficult if not impossible for them.  Remarkably, the lady is even knowledgeable about raw food and is open to a higher veg lifestyle.  My work in the kitch always equals a greater intake of fruit/veg for the both of them, as well as the dog :)



    I consider the above to be a work of value, and thus a goal I had been seeking.

    Though I am the most imperfect of people, I strive to live in such a way that I might somehow be of benefit.  My own life journey positioned me 1. to be considered in the first place, and 2. to be of benefit to this couple in matters of health that most others would couldn't touch if only due to lack of knowledge.



    My parents, who despite the fact that many of my decisions and habits might be outside the mainstream, support and love me unconditionally.  They also pursue a lifestyle head-and-shoulders advanced over the vast majority of their generation, for which I am enormously grateful.  I can't tell you what a relieving gift it is to have my most cherished ones doing their best to life healthfully (both internal and external). 




    While I might have known about it earlier than 2010, I was able to be an instrument last year and again this year already in passing on potentially lifesaving information from the Gerson Institute, Rave Diet, and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn to those facing the "doom" of cancer and cardiovascular dis-ease. 

    Hopefully this info will serve as a light to pierce the veil of unnecessary fear that surrounds such a prognosis.  This is yet another benefit of continuing to expand my knowlege; of never being satisfied.  When the call came, I was blessed enough to be in position to deliver something useful. 


    5) WHAT NEW SKILL DID YOU LEARN (or are still working on...)/ "COURSE DID YOU ENROLL YOURSELF INTO" ???/

    I took some of fresh classes in the martial art of Muay Thai; which generated the brand new experience of rehabing a kick-cracked rib!  Some know-how, I'd just as soon not know! ;) 

    And (fudging on the 2010 year again), today I attended a mini-class on American Sign Language.  Where this is going, I don't know yet, but it's a valuable skill and fun to boot!

  • Beth, thanks 4 sharing your "radiance recipe" (outdoor biking, weather & food bliss, enough rest, happy shiny people, no stress, feeling great)

    For this 2011 "radiance" will be "added" when I will succeed to accomplish a few "goals/ challenges" .

    Just mentioning the 3 first ones : worry less/ work hard(er); a water/ herbal infusion intake program (somewhere during rainy season, if someone wants the same ...?!); reduce (20% to 0%) salt & added sweetners intakes

  • SOMEONE ELSE WHO IS A "SUPERSTAR "(in my opinion...)"DOROTHY" a "give it to me raw" member taking care of her cancer afflicted mother "at her home day & night 24/7".

    She did a lot of "research" and shares(d )her "findings" on this site...

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(L.O.L : ) This is an invite 2 : START A READERS CLUB. !!!First choice : the 80 10 10 recommended book by Douglas Graham.Lets read, comment (sharing quotes and highlights from this work), show some info from this classic !!!Want 2 start "chapter reading" next week end 27 July 2013 ?

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