Let's share our experiences in the search for the perfect lfrv (community) place, as well as places we thought could be it but did not work out as expected.
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  • Another winter, another great gathering on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica, come check it out!!
    3rd Edition Raw Vegan Gathering In Costa Rica!
  • I am trying to find a partner who wants to plan a fruit paradise in Australia.
    My email is ahimsa.fruitarian@gmail.com

  • Hi, the Raw Fruit Festival www.raw-fruit-festival.net will be held from August 28 to Sept 3 in Andalusia, southern Spain, maybe you'd like to join. Early bird discount if registration confirmed before June 1st!

    Local organic veggies and fruits, picked ripe, mangoes, bananas, figs, melons, litchis, watermelons.

    Outdoor activities, fitness, biking, capoeira, yoga, running, river, hiking...

    Hope to see you there



  • Arriving the 1.March 2016 in Costa Rica, staying for 50 days, working on the fruit forest and eventually starting to build. Volunteers are welcome, i can offer 2 rooms in a shared household in exchange for around 20h of work per week.
    Message me if interested.

    Finca Talamanca
    Finca Talamanca, Hone Creek, Limon, Costa Rica. 174 likes. Finca Talamanca is a project to encourage people to be independent and healthy by creating…
  • We have an amazing permaculture-forestgarden in the rainforests of Costa Rica consisting of a wide range of different species.... and many mature fruit trees!! Our project focuses on raw Vegan, self-sufficiency, simple, natural life, off-grid life, deep ecology spirituality, etc.. We are looking for like-minded folks to join and help us with our project . We are specially looking for a farm manager,. .

  • About 12 fruitarians will gather this winter in the tAlamanca area of Costarica, to hopefully buy land together, most of us will be renting a house near the beach all winter, from December to April. You can see my website here fruitariancommunity.tk that's for pArt of us, we will see if others want the same vision... Talamanca area is perfect in my words; I find land at 3-4000$ per hectar. Many of us are already on our way, I will come at the ent if December I think.
  • Can't wait to go at some point.. But I have my old dog right now.. prob. can't go certain places yet.. :)

  • eventually : ) u are welcome at this farm, low budget or rent free in exchange 4 twenty hours a week help (weeding/planting etc.)... IMore info / an application form,please mail : carmaorganica@hotmail.com...

  • can accommodate anyone visiting kenya

  • Hey Rawdies, well, I live at Paradise Found! And if you wanna be part of it. Here is where it is to be found : it´s called RAWTREAT in Costa Rica. visit this:www.rawtreat.weebly.com

    Cruda Vida!Ray

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Southern Spain?

Maybe doesn't sound so exotic to most of you, but what about Southern Spain and Andalusia? I've been living there for the past ten years, and beside the advantage of being part of Continental Europe (easy travel and no visa/immigration problems for EU citizens), we get lots of subtropical fruits growing locally: mangoes, bananas, litchis, longans, passion fruit, avocados, white sapote, black sapote, guavas etc etc. And all the mediterranean fruits like figs, melons, watermelons, and also plums,…

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serious plans of moving abroad one day - How to make it possible?

HELLO FRUIT FELLOWS I WROTE THIS ARTICLE FOR ALL WHO SERIOSLY THINK ABOUT MOVING ABROAD PLEASE ADD DETAILS IF YOU KNOW SOMETHING NEWI'm Yan, from germany, 19 years old and at the moment I'm in an schooling for biology. The schooling lasts 3 years (2,5 years left). Then I definitly go somewhere else. But I also think about breaking it because it really don't make me happy. I'm in a really unhealthy inviroment here and it kinda makes me sick. I'm HCLFRV/RT4 already. I don't know if it makes sence…

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Kenya Food Forest & Sanctuary

http://www.gofundme.com/j5q3z8Aloha everyone, I'm Zach, and I first went to Kenya in 2011 and stayed some months with Pom Vincent who has posted on this group in years past.   I would invite you to read through what I have compiled, share it with friends/family! I welcome your questions or response here!  Kenya is certainly lacking in fruit variety, but this can change in a relatively short amount of time with a small group of dedicated people.

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