Jayme Larson posted a discussion
Jun 5, 2012

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  • Hey Jayme! I'm glad that your Day 1 was a success, how about Day 2? I am doing well on some days of the challenge, but on others I break and eat unhealthy (though still vegan) stuff. Based on my previous attempts to go raw and low fat, I'm starting to feel more like it'll be a journey for me of gradually cutting back on the things I crave (like chocolate and nut butters) rather than cutting them out cold tofu. ;) Still, the 30 Day challenge can give me a jump start, even if I don't stick to it as well as I should. What counts is moving in the right direction, I guess. Take care! 

  • Welcome to 30 Bananas A Day!

    For inspiration and a jump start to your diet, please take the 30BaD Banana Wagon Tour:


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