Melinda posted a discussion
Nov 23, 2009

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  • Hey melinda! I ve read a post of u about estrogen dominance. I was wondering how it went. It was 2009 so i hope u ve managed thAt by now. Ur thread should be on the mainpage now. Hope to hear from u!
  • Hey Melinda! Nice to meet you!!! :)

  • Hey beautiful!

    Haven't heard from you in a while, probably 'cause I've been off 30BaD for about a year. But I noticed that we're now living in the same state! That is, if you're still in the Peach State. :D

  • hi there, Melinda! watermlon juice sounds awesome! do you jiuce or blend your watermelon?
  • Hi Melinda! I still struggle at staying 100% too, and I've been doing this for years! Grrr.. to cravings. I feel so much better though, when I stick with 100%, and especially LFRV.
  • Hey! Thanks for the add :-)
    How are you, and how long have you been raw? :-)
  • Hi beautiful!!
    Sorry I wrote you until now. Probably you don't remember even that you invited me by now . hee hee.
    I was busy traveling back to my country. Mexico where I ate tons of delicious mangoes . mmmm!
    kids keep me busy. I'll be more active.
    Have agreat day!! :)
  • I was 90% raw for a year, then 100% low-fat raw for three months, but then got hooked on coffee again for a couple months before going back to 100% low-fat raw for almost four months now. Don't think I'll be going back. I love my life the way it is now! How about you?
  • Thank you! :-D We Georgia girls have to stick together. LOL
  • Hey there :)
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