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  • Hello I was searching PWS for a friend who has a son with it. I have been telling her about the raw diet and how it could possibly help... Then I found your post, but not real replies to it... Have you been experimenting with raw and PWS? Please let me know.. Add me to FB Victoria Conde... And message me any info!! I don't come on here at all!!
    Just want to help her out!
  • Hey girlie! Good to hear that your on banana island. I visited back in June. I had to leave early do to some blood sugar problems. I know your going to have a blast while your there! Let me know how it turns out..
  • Yeap! I'm definately on here,I'm just don't sign on as regularly,
    need to kick that habit,I am currently trying to work out how to customise my page, getting bored of the default look...
  • hey there! how are you myfitnesspal! lol i actually saw you talking about this site to someone else and decided to check it out. so thanks! i love it!
  • Hey, your picture is beautiful! Thanks for accepting my request :)
  • Hey thanks for the add! Do you have a sig. other in the military, too? I bet you're so excited for him to come back! Thank you and best of luck to you, too!
  • Wow! That water fast was amazing! Thanks for sharing! Welcome to our little jungle! This place is the best...Your hubby will come home to a new woman!! I think you look beautiful!!! Best of luck with your transition!
  • Oh that's good to hear!! Coincidentally I watched your new video after leaving that comment. Sounds like such a perfect plan. You're being so kind to your body, I love it! You look great by the way :) I love having the blogs here to express everything to...I have a separate blog but I neglect it now and again. (Not the vlog). Good to hear from you and that you're doing well! Take care :)
  • Hey little lady!! How is everything going?? :)
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