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  • Okay - I went to your page and couldn't like your posts, comment  or add you as friend, so went to my page and changed my privacy settings to add everyone. Get way too many friend requests so had changed it to friends of friends, apparently we have no friends in common. Thought maybe you were friends with George. Now you can go to my page and click on add friend. Thank you.  Your privacy settings must be same as mine was. Once you friend me I will go back to friends of friends.

  • Hi Ranjana didn't see any message on FB. Did you go to my page and click on add friend then a friend request is sent.  Tell me your FB name and I will send you a request then you can just click confirm.

  • Hi Ranjana,

    I replied to you on my gmail acct as soon as I saw it, but it said do not reply so I hope you get my message now. Would love to be friends on FB and have tried to find you with no luck. Lots of Ranjanas but no Basus.  On FB I am Tricia V Glynn, please friend me. Love to you, Prad, and Kyron. Thanks for writing me. 

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