Reese posted a discussion in Viva Arizona!
Oct 17, 2011
Reese posted a discussion in Viva Arizona!
Oct 7, 2011
Reese posted a discussion
Oct 6, 2011
Reese posted a discussion
Sep 24, 2011

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  • Hi Reese. Thanks for commenting on my blog post, "Pizza? A Vegetable?" You are right about opting for home schooling before you let your child eat what they serve there. I can never understand why parents don't choose this option more rather than just put up with the system the way it is. We must do whatever it takes for the best and highest for our children. That's what good and selfless parents do.

  • Phx Tropicals could be a great resource then; pls let us know.

    I've never looked into the local date farms; though I did have the pleasure of helping to pollinate a date forest at ASU polytech a couple years ago.

    I have seen some cute little colorful building somewhere in town that advertises itself as having to do with dates.  

    Even if Sphinx usually sells as gifts, they might put together a special bulk package for you if you talked to management.  I've had them both firm and dry and fantastically gooey.  Not sure what their growing practices are though.

    Even if they are fully satisfactory, still compare price with Bautista.  Their absolute best deal is 100# for 2.50#!!!  Less than that, it's 3.00, which is still superior to most other brands, especially given their quality.

    Yep, the Asian stores can offer unique items, though of sometimes dubious quality.  I've seen nearly black rambutans for instance :)

    Still, well worth a look.  Ever been to Asiana on 43rd Ave and Union hills? 

  • Nope, I just sent the test message to ensure that your PMer was working at all. 

    I wish I could say why you didn't receive the group CC's, but I'm at a loss.

    All the most reason to check in regularly then, to ensure you're in the loop :)

  • You're welcome to drop by anything on Sat the 12th.  Weather permitting, I'm sure we'll be there a few hours.  And you're welcome to bring any munchkins with you if you like.  There's a nice playground right next to the park section I described.

    Now you've got me curious as to why you didn't receive the PM's.  I sent out two CC'ed to the entire Viva group.  Some folks obviously got them.  You might try looking around the group page (check around the section where all our pics are grouped) for some email enable function. 

    Just as a test I'm going to send you a PM right now.  Let me know what happens. 

    Enjoy the B-Day party and I hope to see you soon! :)

  • I recognize the face, but the name is new :)
  • Hello, Teresa! (-: I have really enjoyed reading about your recent experiences. The shift to LFRV is a lot more than merely saying, "Alright, I'll guess I'll just eat fruit and salad from now on," but for me, the process has been totally worth it too. We both live in Phoenix so I am wondering if we can be friends! I love sharing this lifestyle with other people! Let me know if you want to meet up an do something fun.


    You are so terrific!

    Sincerely, Phoenix

  • it's easy to stick together especially when it's so hot and muggy out ;) thanks!
  • 6 weeks this Saturday. :-)
  • I'm down a total of 26.5 pounds now.
  • How are things with you ?
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