
Lincoln, NE


August 1

Our community would be delighted to know you better. Please tell us more about yourself and what brought you to the Frugivore Diet. Detailed responses will only be accepted (feel free to reapply with more detail if at first not approved as a member).

i am an 811er. i love the diet and the ensuing lifestyle. although difficult because i do this nearly alone in lincoln nebraska it is my passion and am looking for additional support. it has enabled me to engage my life and i am exploring how to support that living in other people.

What is your gender? PLEASE NOTE: To enhance the community experience, profile pics of yourself are *REQUIRED* to gain membership. Membership will be declined otherwise.


Please tell us about your dietary inclinations:


Are you Connected?

yes married

My favourite books/movies/authors/pastimes are...

Harold and Maude- movie Drunvalo- author The way of the Peaceful Warrior- book and so many more

Please list your website/blog/facebook/myspace etc


The Frugivore started this site to bring together frugivores across the Globe! Let us know what high fruit assistance do you need?

support. living in lincoln NE. and doing it nearly alone. i need up to date access to others living similarly. i need to be in touch with a community in same practice that i can get updated on and be uplifted with. sometimes i just need to be reminded on how big and important a raw low fat vegan diet is, a cold gray wintery day can lead to many other unwanted but momentarily justified decisions.

The Frugivore Diet is a fruit-based vegan internet community which promotes a high carb fruit based vegan lifestyle free of any animal products. Our forum does not tolerate encouragement of anything contrary to this. Nor do we allow endorsement of non-vegan items or practises which involve the imprisonment, exploitation, abuse or murder of sentient beings. We also require our members to post with proper netiquette. Therefore, please indicate your intention:
