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  • i am good! trying to match the pace with the clouds. I fall short everytime but hey I might soon develop wings. How abt you? How is school? 

  • whitney!!! :-)

  • Gotcha, yeah one more winter to bear through. I just looked at the 10 day forecast. -_- Intense winds! It's quite blustery here as well. Hey that's exciting, congrats! What will you be studying?

  • It's getting seasonally cold Whitney! Forecast for the winter calls for more snow than the mild year before, bah. Thanks, you as well! Have you made the move to Florida?

  • Awesome! Hope the moves goes real well for you :)

  • Hey Whitney! Thanks for the add. How's your raw journey coming along? I'm super jealous of your future location in Florida, so warm and sunny! I'm already dreading the weather here in Jersey. >_<

  • the following lame article is from Yahoo news.. Even they say diet soda is bad!:

    "Pop quiz! What's the single biggest source of calories for Americans? White bread? Big Macs? Actually, try soda. The average American drinks about two cans of the stuff every day. "But I drink diet soda," you say. "With no calories or sugar, it's the perfect alternative for weight watchers...Right?"

    Not so fast. Before you pop the top off the caramel-colored bubbly, know this: guzzling diet soda comes with its own set of side effects that may harm your health--from kickstarting kidney problems to adding inches to your waistline.

    Unfortunately, diet soda is more in vogue than ever. Kids consume the stuff at more than double the rate of last decade, according to research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Among adults, consumption has grown almost 25%."

    Quit hijacking your health girl! You want long term health? Or momentary stimulation?

  • Sup, rawrrawfoods

  • I like your reasons and description. Hope HCRV work out for you. I wish you ALL the best on your journey! Thanks for the honesty :)

  • Well, we are not too far away!  How well do you do at finding fruit where you are at?  We live in the country, in the boonies.  I drive 45 minutes each week to do my shopping at Walmart and Aldi's.    I am looking into a place to get organic food boxes every other week.  But, I have to drive the hour and a half to Chicago to pick it up and I am not sure I can afford to do it yet.  We will see!  I just do the best I can.

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