ilan posted discussions
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May 31, 2009
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May 12, 2009

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  • Hi Ilan, I couldn't send a private message for some reason but I am very interested in this cabin. We aren't looking to move until April-May, would that be an issue?! I would love to see more pictures of the cabin as well! I work online, is there internet access at the cabin or nearby? I am also wondering about the food. Is most of the food you eat wild, or would I need to purchase a portion of my diet from the market? We live in the US currently, but we are set on moving to Costa Rica, it is just a really new thing for us so excuse me if I ask any questions that have obvious answers! Is there anyone else living in the surrounding area and do they live the lifestyle? Also I have an almost two year old, is there any other children in the area? Thank you so much for your help!

  • Hi Ilan! I wasn't able to send the PM for some reason. I think it's a problem with my internet connection. Here is a link to my FB page.

    I'm still interested in the house in CR.

    Take Care!


  • Hey man! I didn't even see your previous comment until now. That's horrible to hear about Vika. I'm still glad we had that talk with her before I left.

    I'm now back in Iowa City surviving the cold, waiting for spring and graduation from school.

    What's going on with Elida?

    Also, how's life been for you down there. Any other interesting stories to share?


  • Hey mango

    I am in CR right now.. here till the 31.

    I'm in Jaco!


  • Cool I'll let you know, better start training ;)
  • Oh right that sounds cool! Yeh I was thinking about checking out panama as well. Well she probably got the message to her gmail and then couldn't open the site. I dunno :S Yeh I'm thinking about coming over early next year, seems awesome over there :) Apparently everything is coming together quite quickly in costa rica now, so maybe you could still head over there...
  • Hey she's fine, we've been chatting over gmail but she says she's not able to open 30BAD. That sucks that your trip is changed though, but I'm sure things will clear up soon. How long you going over there for? Just traveling? You've made me curious about your trip :))
  • Hey mangoman, nadia said the following to me: "Would you please write to him adn
    let him know that if it is possible he should probably cancel his
    flight and honestly I am surprised airlines even sold him the ticket.
    People are stranded in San Jose, lots of parts of the country are
    under the water. There is no electricity (as of yesterday), roads, no
    ATMs , banks, water etc etc"
  • I would hope it would be called the Kalamazoozoo... I may have to start a petition, thanks for the warm welcome, still trying to figure out this site a bit
  • That water is awesome! I always like drinking from a Spring that others are drinking from and have been drinking from for a while :). I'm getting a TDS tester soon to make sure future Springs are good for my body! Thanks
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