iusecomputers2 posted a discussion
Jun 9, 2016
iusecomputers2 posted a discussion
Jun 25, 2012

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  • I work at a reception hall which means the fruit that's left over is all mine. (the quitting was mainly a joke) 

    I'm gonna have to switch my hours around though because I totally agree that the public market gives the best deals; especially at closing. 

  • Yeah... I have had crap luck finding cheap bananas this year... abundance refused to give me a discount for buying bulk for the first time ever and I can't make it to the public market due to work. Were those 200lbs organic? If so I might just quit my job so I can start getting to the market again...

  • FYI I just got 52 lbs. of ripe organic bananas (some a little over ripe) from abundance co-op for $25 and there is probably another 50 lbs. still there.

  • Cool! That makes like 5 of us.

  • not much... do we know each other?

  • I would love some tips. I am just trying to start this and I am kinda lost on how to start. Where do you buy fruit in bulk for best price? I don't know how much to buy and how to stock up so I always have ripe fruit. I tried for a bit a while back and I felt overwhelmed on learning how to transition to this lifestyle. My wife doesn't eat this way (SAD eater), so I am alone on how to get this done :) Any advice on what you do and how would be great! Thanks :)
  • May your birthday be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter, love, and cheer.

    Peace, PK

  • Hi, I wanted to let you know we will have a raw fruit festival in Spain next September


    Maybe you'd like it.


  • Welcome to 30 Bananas A Day!

    For a bird's eye view of 30 Bananas a Day, inspiration, and a jump start to your diet, you might like the 30BaD Banana Wagon Tour:


    Peace, PK

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