For those 40 and over who would like to discuss how the Raw Life keeps them young. :)
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  • I hope this group is still active. I am 63 and glad to find you.

  • Hi Annette, I look forward to hearing how it goes.

  • Hi twoflyingowls, I've just started getting hot flushes in the past few weeks.  They are not too bad compared to other women that I've spoken to, but I don't know if the flushes are just easing their way in, or if it's because my diet is pretty good.  I will pay more attention to hydration and fats now that you mention that. 

  • Hi, 48 and in NZ. Return to vegan to combat hormones. 80 10 10 is making a significant difference. The weight was creeping on and was up at 4 each morning. Now energy is great, dropped 10kilos and increasing exercise. Hot flushes seem to happen when I eat fats or am dehydrated. 

  • Thanks for replying Joanna.  That's really interesting about eating less.  (I'm thinking about my 96 year old Grandmother who eats tiny meals and is still active.)  Does it help if you just graze throughout the day rather than having actual meals?    

  • Hi Annette,

    I'm 55, and was thinking I was going to swim right through menopause, given my healthy diet. I was wrong - I think it's a lot easier than it would have been if I wasn't on this diet, but I get hot flashes and have disturbed sleep. I find that as I get older, I need to eat less - if I overeat, even on fruit, I get immediate hot flashes. I'm experimenting with a bit of fasting and maybe cutting down to 1 or 2 meals a day to see how that goes - all in the experimental stages for now. I tried some herbs - didn't help. I don't want to take anything else for it.

  • Hi, I just joined.  Happy to have an over 40's group!  I'm 48 and I've been (mostly) vegan for 20 years and I first went raw vegan 10 years ago.  Have been on and off that wagon many times!  My body isn't responding like it did 10 years ago.  In the past four years I've gone through periods where I felt I just wasn't thriving on a vegan diet.  I've tried supplements, hormones and some vegetarian food.  Gave all that up, and decided to increase my exercise and clean up my diet.  So far my digestion and my energy have improved massively!   I am wondering if any of the women here have any comments on how this lifestyle has influenced changing hormone levels in your body?  Do you use supplements?  Do you ever feel like you need anything else?   Thanks!

  • Oh..... Yes so glad to see a group for over 40. I am 42 years young. 4 children the oldest 19 and youngest 2. Really don' t feel my age on this lifestyle. Blessings
  • New, 51, and joining the group for inspiration!

  • I found you! I am 59, but after a month  eating a la 811 feel like the clock is starting to tick in reverse for me . What a joy! I finally feel like exercising again too! I am eager to get to know you all, as I do not know anyone else on this lifestyle, and even fewer my age, lol. Anybody else wear dentures? That's another advantage of 811--lends itself to blending smoothies. I am so hoping to lose this apron of belly flab, even tho there is so little muscle support after having 3 kids. Love to hear your stories on that, ladies. Please friend me on Facebook, I am Lynne Pedigo Riday-Reiter. Only one of those!

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Raw seasoned vs Raw unseasoned

As a more seasoned person do you think you have to eat any differently than a younger person eating raw? I hear discussion all the time about more seasoned people needing differently amounts or kinds of food than others. What do you think?

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I am still craving fat

I was about 90% raw for about two years. Went back to eating cooked food. Man was that not good. Now I am going back to raw however having problems with not eating peanuts, craving chicken. My approach is to slowly stop meaning once a week. Does anyone have any better suggestions?

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