Do females need overt fats on 80/10/10

Im not sure whether we have to include overt fats such as nuts seeds and avocado, what do ya'll think?  Someone told me that we as females need extra fat to produce estrogen, otherwise our testosterone goes way up-yikes.  Also for our monthly cyles.  Thanks for the imput!

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  • Hey, Brianna! High-fat diets do increase the amount of estrogens in the blood, but, here's the catch, high level of estrogens are linked with increased risk of some kinds of breast cancer - many breast tumors are "fueled" by estrogens.
    That said, maintaining your fat intake around the 10% area should drop your estrogen levels to a safe amount, not so high that you're in risk for breast cancer, not so low that you become a little boy lol :)

    You can include the overt fats as long as your macronutrient ratios are still in the 80/10/10 range no probs... nuts and seeds pack a load of nutrition! I think they're specially good at night - fats do make me a little slow and letargic, just what I want for a good night's sleep :D If you're doing nuts and seeds avoid eating them as snacks as it's easy to overeat them that way. It's better to use them in a salad dressing recipe for example :)
    Have fun!

    • thanks rawdrigo!  Your comment helped me a lot :)  Could I make a milk out of flax seeds and use that as an overt fat?   I don't digest them well either and making milks out of them (water + seeds blend and strain)  is better for me to digest.  I want to make sure I get enough omega 3s.    To be honest I feel great without any overt fats, but that brings my ratio to 86/7/6.  thanks :)

    • Hi dear, glad I could help! :) The milk might be a good idea, but then I'm not 100% sure that you'll get the same nutrition that way. Do you even have problems using ground flax seeds? I'm using them right now and they digest better than the whole version. You can also try ch-ch-chia seeds, which have 20% less omega 3, but more fiber and more cancer-fighting lignans :)

      Your ratio is actually perfect, me thinks! It's minimum 80% carbs and maximum 10% protein and 10% fat after all, so you're spot on. And if you feel great without overts... it's probably better to donate them to your 30bad brazilian friends ( = me) :P

    • What's the minimum grams of fat a woman should be consuming on average?
    • Larissa, even the World Health Organization gives the numbers in percentages (according to the WHO: no one should go below a 15% fat diet and that women of childbearing age should consume diets that are at least 20% fat). But of course that's not what we promote here...

      Remember that fruits & vegs do have fat... so if you're eating 90-97% calories from fruits, 2-6% calories from greens and 0-8% calories from vegetables, non-sweet fruits, nuts and seeds, you'll get in the perfect natural range of the 80/10/10. Pure magic :)

      If you're worried about this, check your body fat % and adjust accordingly. Doug Graham says men's BF% should be in the single digits, and women's should be in the teens.


      Love & have fun! :)

    • I prefer not to eat nuts and seeds as I don't digest them well. So do you think an avocado every week would be enough?
    • Test! :)
      (the magic answer for everything marketing & nutrition related haha)

      Definitely compare your mood, skin, sleep quality, energy levels & body fat % using half an avocado every day vs. an avocado every week vs. no avocado :) If you do these 3 options for a month each I think you'll have your answer :D maybe also try different overts after the avocado experiment.

      I guess it's different for each of us... I remember Charlie Abel saying he only succeeded in a HCRV diet after he started eating half a cup of nuts every day with his big salad, and I also hear men & women saying they do their best with no overts at all.

      Good luck!

    • Yeah good idea I think I'll start introducing one avocado a week or so and take it from there :)
  • Interesting question. I have no idea.

    I only can say that I gained 5 kg by eating too many nuts ( more than the 10% allowed ).

    And nuts are addictive in my case.

    • Me as well, couldn't stop eating them so i just eliminated them.  I wonder if we can simply eat fruits and veggies only?

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