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  • Well if they can survive long enough to be set free, that does qualify as humane.

    The opposite was an easy assumption to make as your article was titled something like "Fruit Fly Death Trap."

    And yes, I used to relish wacking the daylights out of most any offending bug, but my ethically has since expanded without even really trying.  I've even caught and released scorpions that had already bitten me, though that's really pushing my generous spirit :) 

  • Hi Alex, just a heads up:

    This site's respect for animals extends to insects as well, so we don't share tips on how to kill even the tiniest of our fellow creatures.  However, I know those little flies can be annoying.  Fortunately, there is a humane and highly effective solution, similar concept to what you shared.  

    Put a cut piece of their fave fruit (nan peel works well) in a glass jar and cover with a piece of plastic bag, attached with a tight rubber band.  Poke a few holes in the stretched tight top.  The buggers will fly in but won't be able to exit.  When you've collected a few, you can take them outside to release, and repeat.

    Also, you'll find that flies will only be present when there is a fruit that's moulding or open.  Keep scrupulously clean and ensure all fruit is intact.  Refrigerate if things ripen too fast.

    This tips should keep your fly infestation to a minimum.

    Let me know how it works :)

  • Hey Alex, I just came across this DVD that I thought might be very helpful for your situation, adding in some movement and some specific tools to help your digestion heal:

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