Ally posted a discussion
Jul 16, 2009

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  • You may want to have a look at

    Another one is just crazy prices and I would not consider them

    If you look for "tienda ecologica sevilla" in google, you'll find organic shops around. But also, look for the herboristeria, lots of them have organic and local fruits and veggies. In both, ask for boxes, discount (descuento) it;s very common here, don't hesitate.

    I've never been to Sevilla... So I'm sorry I cannot be more helpful...

  • I love Gainesville! Where do you get your fruit? I use Ward's once or twice a week. 

  • Lol, I love that combo myself. I was addicted to tomatoes for a long time, but am slowly trying to lay off of them. I still eat them now, but a lot less in the past 2 weeks. I am just starting to experiment with different combinations so I'll let you know when I hit something good. ;)
  • That's pretty awesome that you were modeling here in NY! Do you still model? 

    I've been talking to Sam Spaiser. He's such a great guy. He mentioned your name because he was talking about how he's moving and who he will be ordering in bulk with. I was like, I think I know her! lol 

    Hopefully I can visit you guys in Florida one day. I love it there so much 

  • Hey Ally... how are you?? Where are you getting your fruit?
  • Hey Ally,

    NY's great! It's a bit challenging to live a LFRV lifestyle here, but like you said, the vitality of the city is incomparable. 

    What were you doing in NY a few years back?

  • Hey Ally! 

    Thank YOU for accepting! :) It's really great to connect with others around the same age

    I'm actually in West Central FL (Tampa bay area) but its lovely! We do get some fruit from South FL at the local markets. But sadly I'll be back in Connecticut for mango and mamey and all the summer fruits. 

    How are things where you are?? What are your summer plans? 

  • excellent!

    actually i have established myself permantently in least to my knowledge, i don't expect to 'live' anywhere else. i will most definitely visit some other countries for some amazing fruit (eating and growing), housing, and living inspiration.

    yes life is grand :)

    do you enjoy florida?

  • Hi, your Spanish is much better than mine :) I don't know of the two markets you mentioned. I'll write them down and check for them on Thursday, my day to go do the shopping. It would be fun to meet for lunch, but I only come in on Thursdays and you might be having a Thanksgiving family meal!!??

    I hope you have a wonderful visit and do let me know what you find here:)
  • Hello again,

    I'm not sure if we have durian or not, maybe you can let me know!!?? I think I saw something that looks like the pictures, but not real sure. BTW, the papaya is great, but you need to let it get really funny looking and ripe. It's a bit pricey but delicious.
    When do you arrive????
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