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  • Hi Eva, I have been reading past posts on water distillers and have noticed that you bought yours on ebay. Could I trouble you to let me know which type you bought (the ones that have been recommended on 30bad are from overseas do not come with Australian voltage) and which seller you purchased off - I have been burnt before on ebay. Thanks so much

  • Hello there! Just wanted to give you an update on my progress. Definitely has been trail and error but i feel good today! I am gonna start putting squats in my exercise routine! I have learned mono meals work better for me. Thank you for your support and i appreciate all your feedback you have given!

  • Very well said! I like the way you think and spiritually is the best way to go into it!

    Yup Freelee does do those 100 squats! Great thinking i will try that out and will tell you my journey. Thanks for being so positive. You are awesome!

  • Quick question. I am doing good for the most part as far as being a beginner. I have read over and over again, and just as you explained "it takes time" Definitely is drilled in my mind everyday. BUT i have noticed this "pooch" on my lower belly. My thighs and face have slimmed down; overall energy is great. I feel good you know. But this pooch. How in the world do i get this to go away?

  • YES! These cravings are pissing me See i am on edge. Sorry. lol But that is a great idea i shall do that now. Put some bananas in the freezer.

  • Thank you so much Eva i appreciate all the great advice you have relayed to me. I really need to get on the right road because i have a horrible way of eating. I really wanna binge right now. Its because i didn't carb up good this morning and now i am freaking out. But thank you for pointing out that it does take time and have read that w Freelee's videos. I can't wait to be on ya'lls level.

  • Not seeing any Chinese here, but I imagine it works the same in most any nation ;)


  • happy new year 2014 Eva!!

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