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  • Har du sett "Smaken av Hund" ?

  • Thanks for the friendship Ina!

    Your hair is so long and beautiful. <3

  • Hi, I saw you live in Europe, so I wanted to let you know we will have a raw fruit festival in Spain next September

    Maybe you'd like it.


  • You're welcome! And thanks for the compliment on my page! ;)

  • Hi Ina, just checking in. How are you doing these days? I hope well! :)

  • Hi Ina, I am just moving in so to speak lol :) I am very fascinated by it all, and amazed with what you are eating considering it is the Deep of Winter where you are! Do you not crave any Warm food? I usually eat pretty good, but def not 100% raw, however I am on day 3 of 100% raw now and totally motivated to stay with it, I never knew the mechanics of it before, so now that I understand it all a lil better I feel confident that I won't get too skinny or weak as has happened before..

    Where does your fruit come from? Are you feeling good? Amazing?

    Are there many others you know eating like this in your area? I know there are even very few Vegetarians in the world so I can imagine the % of Fruit eaters to be pretty small globally..

  • share your 3some with others Ina

  • Hey Thanks for the add Fruity Friend!
  • Takk for the add! <3 Alltid godt å se noen fra Norge her! : )
  • Hei Ina,

    Jeg blir så glad når jeg ser folk fra Norge som joiner, hihi!

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